Jun 30 2010, 02:00 PM
I know a fair number of you would like to play them, but that means we have to have people to run them!
I only have four people and two of them can't make the whole con, if you want to GM, know someone who does, or want to bribe your local GM to come volunteer, that would be great. What we can run is solely dependent on how many GMs we have, and I hate to disappoint anyone. Long time player and want to take a shot at GMing? Missions are very forgiving for the new GM as well!
Jun 30 2010, 10:59 PM
Iphone is failing at the moment and won't let me bring up Dragon Cons site. It's in Atlanta, right?
Jul 1 2010, 05:53 PM
Yes it is in Atlanta. It is on Labor Day weekend.
Jul 1 2010, 05:57 PM
I'm tempted to come down and run but I'm not sure I could swing it so soon after Gencon. But lets assume for a moment I got the vacation time and money together to get there. (By plane probly, Atlanta's a bit of a jog from Omaha).
1) Would I get my badge comped?
2) Could someone provide me low/no cost lodging.
20 hours, aka 5 games gets you a badge...sadly we have no support for rooms of any sort so I can't help you there. There has been in the past some reimbursement for hotel costs from Catalyst but not at a rate that offsets any near hotels....without a car you would be looking at trying to find something close to the Marta line a bit out of downtown.
Jul 2 2010, 01:55 PM
Hmmm not sure if it's feasible then, wish I could help Kai, the plane + hotel costs so soon after Gencon is a bit prohibitive.
No worries, that's the way it always is

Dragon*Con hotels start filling up around October for the next year, long before anyone can make any decisions about going so getting GMs is always difficult at best when we can't promise anyplace to crash or know what the comp rate and minimum hours is to see if its affordable
Jul 5 2010, 05:25 PM
Intended to be there this year, Kai. (In fact, spoke with you last year about GMing) However, We are expecting a little one Aug 25 ish and will have to miss this year. Next year though we are definitly there.(Along with the newest offspring,Rowan Evan Dropbear Welsh), if all goes well. Had an incredible time last year and my only regret was not getting into any SR games.
P.s. Had a woman ask about the middle name "Dropbear" the other day. I told her that Dropbear was the Sioux warrior credited with taking down George Custer. *Grin* she said" thats wonderful, at least its not one of those wierd names people are naming their kids these days." Its good to be a Coyote sometimes.
Heh, yeah that takes priority

Next year then, we'll still be around!
Jul 8 2010, 02:38 PM
Kai, do you have a list of the available missions for this year's D*C? If so, can you post it? Even if we can't run all of them (due to a lack of GMs), we'd all probably like to see what's available. Thanks!
Robert (aka Spanner)
Jul 8 2010, 09:35 PM
Chicken and the Egg... without enough GM's she may not can offer everything so she may not have a full list of what will be offered until she has her GM pool finalized.
We have high hopes tho!
Jul 9 2010, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Jul 8 2010, 04:35 PM)

Chicken and the Egg... without enough GM's she may not can offer everything so she may not have a full list of what will be offered until she has her GM pool finalized.
We have high hopes tho!
No, I meant a list of what she has available from Catalyst (what Bull has told her she's going to have), not what she's going to make available in the D*C schedule. For instance, I'm assuming she'll have access to 03-11 and 03-12, but will she have access to any of the CMPs?
Robert (aka Spanner)
Jul 9 2010, 12:48 AM
She'll have access to anything she needs.
Jul 9 2010, 03:24 AM
Now thats the attitude... Bull, if you're at Dragoncon I'd be pleased to buy you a beer!
Yeah sadly because of lack of any real organized support from on high, Dragon*Con is kinda a catch-22 in that I have to know how many GMs I have before I can know how many games we can run...the basic idea at least is to get 2 sessions of the last three missions + the Con missions on the schedule and go from there, but some of my possible GMs are still on the fence because I still have no info from Catalyst on what support if any they are willing to provide :/
Jul 9 2010, 05:51 PM
One thing that might help you get GM's is to see if D*C can gift them a badge for a friend/relative if they run enough sessions in lieu of their Judges badge.
I don't mean judges get into the con free, that's a given if they run enough sessions, I'm referring to those that already purchased a badge or are Eternal members.
If someone qualified for a Judges badge and could give it to a friend that might be a nice incentive.
Another idea for those that already bought one is to allow them a comped for the following year AFTER they have run their sessions.
Jul 9 2010, 09:12 PM
Unfortunately, the only support I can get Kai at the moment is adventures. I'll poke upper management and see if we can advertise for GMs some. I wish there was more we could do, but right now that con has minimal presence from CGL itself, which limits what they can do to support it (Generally, any support we get for Origins and GC comes out of the show profits, I think).
Jul 13 2010, 09:00 PM
In order to get a badge for D*C, you have to work 26 hours, no ifs, ands, buts, or medical companion clauses and its pretty much a use it or lose it deal. Shadowrun is a special case cause we're organized, Mark will treat total hours/26 = badges for the group so sometimes I do end up with badges that can be used, but again, that is soley dependant on having GMs who aren't needing them and so don't run the whole 26 hours, so I can't promise them

I think we can meet minimum schedule with who I have, more is always nice but we'll at least get something.
And thanks Bull, even just a 'we aren't going to offer any support' would be nice to know, we've never gotten anything as nice as the Gencon/Origins deal, but at least the last two years we had some room compensation and a way to earn product.
Jul 13 2010, 10:49 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 9 2010, 04:12 PM)

Unfortunately, the only support I can get Kai at the moment is adventures.
Getting Kai older, unscheduled modules has a use as well... sometimes pickup GM's run (props to Larry and Dog Xinu!) and doing Missions is much more popular than one shots. Getting Kai older missions would be nice for when pickup GM's show how awesome they are.
Jul 14 2010, 06:44 PM
I have all the older missions in the master binder actually

Much as it likely doesn't look it, D*C is pretty well organized from the GM supplies side :7
Jul 14 2010, 09:52 PM
Just as a note, I'll make sure you have all the Season 3 Missions and all 8 of the 2010 CMPs available, Kai. Some may be a bit rougher than others, but...
Jul 14 2010, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Jul 8 2010, 10:24 PM)

Now thats the attitude... Bull, if you're at Dragoncon I'd be pleased to buy you a beer!
Jul 19 2010, 08:30 PM
Hey Kai, just wondering when you expect to submit the Missions events. Should I be checking the D*C site every day?
Robert (aka Spanner)
Jul 20 2010, 07:00 PM
QUOTE (RobertB @ Jul 19 2010, 04:30 PM)

Hey Kai, just wondering when you expect to submit the Missions events. Should I be checking the D*C site every day?
Robert (aka Spanner)
I hope by the weekend I'll have them in, at least 90%, I'll post when they are available, I promise
Jul 25 2010, 04:19 PM
Events have been submitted, up to the forces of Dragon*Con now as to when they'll be approved and open for buying tickets
Jul 26 2010, 12:09 AM
Jul 29 2010, 11:11 PM
I will be attending Dragon, and would be willing to run a couple of games. I am an experienced player/GM, but have not played any Missions, so I would like to play in at least one before running a session myself.
Jul 31 2010, 12:11 PM
Dantic, the very first actual SRM game being offered ("Something Completely Different") is extremely difficult to run and play. Many players have commented on this particular mission and I strongly believe it would be a negative first impression. As of this post three tickets are available for SRM03-10 Spin Control in slot 3. THAT mission is fantastic, one of my favorite from both the Denver and NYC arcs, and would be a much better mission to get a feel for the SRM program. The CMP offered in slot 2 should have SRM characters but I dont how similar or dissimilar it may be to an SRM module.
Pre-regging is never a bad idea, tickets are available at
Jul 31 2010, 03:34 PM
CMPs in general should be identical to a regular SRM adventure, other than they're not necessarily New York based. They're designed as "one off" adventures, for the most part. They also don't generally involve faction/affiliations, and they don't give out Contacts. Otherwise they're structered and run just like a normal Missions game (Just roll with it if your Missions character ends up outside his normal element

Jul 31 2010, 05:02 PM
A friend told me Karma from CMP's could be used in Missions. Is this the case? I was under the impression the stuff from CMP's didnt carry over...
Jul 31 2010, 07:41 PM
Where can we find the rules/FAQ for CMP?
Jul 31 2010, 08:02 PM
There isn't one but yes exp from the CMP's can be applied to your missions character no problemo. Think of them as vacations or a chance to try something new.
Jul 31 2010, 10:11 PM
Huh. No shit. COOL!
Aug 1 2010, 04:57 AM
CMPs are regular SRM events.
They just occur outside the main campaign setting (i.e. outside New York), and are basically only offered at conventions.
They're side stories. Still part of the SRM campaign.
Aug 1 2010, 06:29 AM
Yup. Some of them try and give a half-assed excuse for why you're outside of New York. In the CMP I wrote, the opening fluff talks about how you'd been hired to do a Bodyguard Job in Seattle, and the Johnson had even smuggled all your gear there, but the target was killed before you got there. So you sight see for a couple days and are getting ready to head home, when you get a call from your fixer who says he knows someone tehre who needs some help... It's silly, but provides some reason why you're there, and why you're getting hired by a local Johnson.
As said, they're side stories, vacations, and a way to do runs outside of the Missions story, They don't use faction/affiliation and don't award contacts (Since they're generally one offs), but otherwise they're full Missions and worth money and karma (and possible other loots that you can take back to New York).
CMP stands for Convention Mission Pack, and they're exclusively for Conventions, at least for now. At the end of the year, we're talking about collecting them and releasing all 8 as a cheap bundle (We want to make them publicly availble for play at some point), but till them they're only available at Cons.
Aug 2 2010, 08:01 PM
Incidentally, if anyone has room space at DragonCon, I would love to pay a full share for crash space. PM me.
Only found out I can go today, and getting a room is kinda impossible now.
Aug 3 2010, 05:08 AM
TA-DA! It looks like I have returned from my 5-year hiatus from PNP RPGs just in time...needless to say I haven't GM'd anything in a while, but I've been brushing up on the rules to try get some games in here in Atlanta before D*C. I looked at the events at D*C...could you please explain the "CMP" code? Are those SRM events...or "classic" style pre-gen events? That way I can make an informed decision before volunteering

R. Timm
Aug 3 2010, 05:22 AM
QUOTE (Torch @ Aug 3 2010, 12:08 AM)

TA-DA! It looks like I have returned from my 5-year hiatus from PNP RPGs just in time...needless to say I haven't GM'd anything in a while, but I've been brushing up on the rules to try get some games in here in Atlanta before D*C. I looked at the events at D*C...could you please explain the "CMP" code? Are those SRM events...or "classic" style pre-gen events? That way I can make an informed decision before volunteering

R. Timm
CMP = Convention Mi9ssion Pack adventures. They're regular Missions games, they're just not a part of the Seasonal Missions (SRM 03 being New York).
Aug 3 2010, 05:55 AM
Thanks. It would have helped if I'd read the second page of posts BEFORE posting my question.

Any chance on some slot zeroes for judges? Or some additional slots if you had a judge willing to run them (e.g., Slot 1?)
Aug 3 2010, 09:33 PM
Do I infer correctly that Kai is marshalling the SRM judges for D*C? As far as availability, I intend to be at the con for slots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 14. Are any judges available for zeros either Thursday night or prior to the con? On a final note (for now), if you are judging at least 7 slots (or you would judge 7 slots but for cost /availability of a room) and are REALLY SOL, let me know...there may be room at the inn
(As an aside, I thought I'd mention that most of the Atlanta players I know are "stuck" in Denver, so there some lack of interest in SRM at D*C because of the incorrect perception that the available events are all in NY).
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