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Full Version: Cyber Cat!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Saw this, was reasonably amazed...!

Kitty is two steps away from getting kid stealth legs!!
reminds me of a mention in count zero, about some cybered up dogs that needed inhibitors implanted or there would be no local squirrel population left.
I'm considering running a Lone Star game for a few friends of mine, so I had already statted out your cyber kitty's nemesis... The K-9X.

"The K-9X Program was an effort by Lone Star brass to help eliminate the need for Rigger support to units in the field where wireless coverage was spotty, or jamming was an issue. It is currently a proof-of-concept design; only 25 are currently in the field around the country undergoing trials before deployment is expanded. Each is a heavily-modified German Shepard. They are fiercely loyal, but suffer severe cyberpsychosis issues that could make them a liability. It is worth noting that only 6 of the 25 experimental units have turned on their handlers, due to a complete loss of "dogginess". It is advised to treat your K-9X unit with love, and it is unlikely that they will attack you and rip you apart with their cybernetically enhanced jaws."

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It is worth noting that this was by far the most economical model I came up with; the K-900 and 9000 ranged from 243,750 nuyen.gif to 517,000 nuyen.gif cyber.gif
That cat walks exactly like my old cat who was born from a litter of kittens with defects. Most of them grew out of their deformities, but the rent who was worst off had her back hip attached backwards and her legs bent the opposite way. Well, ok, not EXACTLY the same, but the wobbly, failure to bend the knees properly thing looks right. She adapted amazingly well and learned to climb stairs with just her front paws and sat like people do.
That cat is so high during the surgery. Just look at him.
This only proves the resilience of cats. Athough I felt a little creeped out during the first few minutes of the video, my heart swelled as I watched Oscar just go ahead and srat exploring without hesitation.
QUOTE (BookWyrm @ Jul 8 2010, 09:12 PM) *
This only proves the resilience of cats. Athough I felt a little creeped out during the first few minutes of the video, my heart swelled as I watched Oscar just go ahead and srat exploring without hesitation.

Yeah, for as much as this game assumes cyber will make kitty go CRAZAY, this guys' response seems to be more like, "OK, I have funny new legs now. Let's go on an ADVENTUUUUUURE."
Your K9X make me wonder what an Olfactory Booster (Rating 3) would result on a dog, given their already amazing potential.

+ Thermographic Vision : Dogs are colorblind IIRC... wonder how this one would work.
QUOTE (IKerensky @ Jul 9 2010, 02:33 AM) *
Your K9X make me wonder what an Olfactory Booster (Rating 3) would result on a dog, given their already amazing potential.

+ Thermographic Vision : Dogs are colorblind IIRC... wonder how this one would work.

Hmm. Well he's got a set of cybereyes, so I imagine he can see in color now? It's been a while since I was in Biology, but I recall it was something to do with rods and cones in their eyes, and not the dog's brain, that made them see in black and white. As far as the olfactory booster goes; yeah, I imagine they'd be pretty sharp at sniffing stuff out. I'm not even sure if he needs it to be frank; the booster is likely to make a human's sense of scent as good as a dog's, so I'm not positive if it would be cumulative. the K-9000 that I stated up was too good; but 4 heavily modified cyberlimbs with armor tend to do that.

QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 9 2010, 02:26 PM) *
Hmm. Well he's got a set of cybereyes, so I imagine he can see in color now? It's been a while since I was in Biology, but I recall it was something to do with rods and cones in their eyes, and not the dog's brain, that made them see in black and white. -DrZaius

If you give them input that their brain isnt expecting like colour you might find they go insane.

You'd be better off operating on pups that way their developing brains get a chance to adapt to the input.
Thermo can be represented by differing light levels, light/dark overlay, using a color dogs can see (since they don't only see black and white, they just have a limited palette compared to us), or even use a non-visual method like tie it to scent.
QUOTE (Venom @ Jul 9 2010, 11:08 AM) *
If you give them input that their brain isnt expecting like colour you might find they go insane.

You'd be better off operating on pups that way their developing brains get a chance to adapt to the input.

The K-9X definitely has problems with insanity. That's what makes them so great!

Cybered up cats would actually make excellent low end guard critters. An entire clowder of them living on a base would get the players nicely paranoid, given kitty-kitty-puss-puss' ability to come from above, behind, below or your trousers without you noticing regardless of your damn perception skills. Add in cyberclaws with toxins and DMSO and make the extraction target a little girl who won't leave without her precious "Princess Mittens, really a completely ordinary kitten except for the strange genengineered fur patterns that simply look like cyber" for added points toward 'royal bastard'. That, or make the kitten a Blackberry cat instead. Oh, yes.

Yes, yesss.. *rubs hands together*
Squiddy Attack
QUOTE (Hagga @ Jul 9 2010, 02:50 PM) *
Cybered up cats would actually make excellent low end guard critters. An entire clowder of them living on a base would get the players nicely paranoid, given kitty-kitty-puss-puss' ability to come from above, behind, below or your trousers without you noticing regardless of your damn perception skills. Add in cyberclaws with toxins and DMSO and make the extraction target a little girl who won't leave without her precious "Princess Mittens, really a completely ordinary kitten except for the strange genengineered fur patterns that simply look like cyber" for added points toward 'royal bastard'. That, or make the kitten a Blackberry cat instead. Oh, yes.

Yes, yesss.. *rubs hands together*

Ask, and you shall receive.

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