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Does anyone know if they will release more books in Anniversary style. I think those books are really great in layout.
Why do they not release every book with that layout?

Saint Sithney
They would have to do the errata first..
I the last develeoper chat Jason Hardy said it was to late in the edition cycle to make Anniversary style book of the remaing core rulebooks, sadly.

QUOTE (Larsine @ Jul 11 2010, 11:56 PM) *
I the last develeoper chat Jason Hardy said it was to late in the edition cycle to make Anniversary style book of the remaing core rulebooks, sadly.


Late in the edition cycle? Seriously?
Jesus, it hasn't been THAT long since SR4 came out..... has it? >.<
QUOTE (Ravennus @ Jul 12 2010, 08:18 AM) *
Late in the edition cycle? Seriously?
Jesus, it hasn't been THAT long since SR4 came out..... has it? >.<

SR4 was published in 2005, SR4A was published in 2009.

SR1 was published in 1989, SR2 in 1992 (3 years), SR3 in 1998 (6 years), SR4 in 2005 (7 years).
So it's already 5 years into to edition cycle.
It will take time to update all the core rulebook, get new fiction and layout, and the index in SR4A will be useless.

In addition it will have to mean an increased sale before it's worth the hassle.

I can see why CGL will choose not to do this, even though I would love Anniversary versions of all the books.

I would love to have some goods books released for SR4 instead of farming the fanbase for money with unready and defective books like 6WA and Corp Guide...

Looks like they shoot out the rest of there products to raise money and then make SR5. At last Core Rulebooks are the real cashcow.

QUOTE (Tycho @ Jul 12 2010, 01:22 PM) *
I would love to have some goods books released for SR4 instead of farming the fanbase for money with unready and defective books like 6WA and Corp Guide...

Looks like they shoot out the rest of there products to raise money and then make SR5. At last Core Rulebooks are the real cashcow.


Considering that there's a realese chelude for sr4 books for nextt few years, i would say that sr5 is far away.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 12 2010, 12:26 PM) *
Considering that there's a realese chelude for sr4 books for nextt few years, i would say that sr5 is far away.

In his podcast interview at Paper Money Randall only mentioned releases for the next sixth months, nothing more. There was nothing said about the "next few years". I speculate on a new version next year...
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 12 2010, 12:26 PM) *
Considering that there's a realese chelude for sr4 books for nextt few years, i would say that sr5 is far away.

I hate to piss on a parade, but let me play devil's advocate here:

- That release schedule still lists books as "to be released" that are already out
- That release schedule lists books that are very likely to NOT come out (DoTA series, for excemple)
- That release schedule still works with eyecatchers like the "PACKS"
- That release schedule lists only the "Runner's Toolkit" as a probable future release.

I am referring to the page. If you have a different release schedule, I'd be delighted if you could provide me with a link.
QUOTE (D2F @ Jul 12 2010, 01:41 PM) *
- That release schedule lists books that are very likely to NOT come out (DoTA series, for excemple)

Got a source for that.
And i havent seen anythink implying that WAR(and possible relatet books) and Attitude! wouldn't be coming out in the future.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 12 2010, 12:55 PM) *
Got a source for that.

Nothing other than rumors, so feel free to ignore it. I doubt Jennifer Harding will be delighted to working with CGL again, though... I don't know if she cut ties with CGL as harshly as AH did.

QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 12 2010, 12:55 PM) *
And i havent seen anythink implying that WAR(and possible relatet books) and Attitude! wouldn't be coming out in the future.

And I haven't seen them on the release schedule at all. Do you have a link for them?

Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, these are the sources I am using:'s list of upcoming releases
CGL release date archive
CGL retailer information (which still lists the DoTA3 installment with a release in Q1 2010) [last updated November last year, to give you an impression of the actuality of CGL updates and the reliability of their release estimates]

If you have any other sources, please do share.
QUOTE (D2F @ Jul 12 2010, 02:13 PM) *
If you have any other sources, please do share.

Nothink other then these forums.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jul 12 2010, 01:17 PM) *
Nothink other then these forums.

Then you only have rumors =)
QUOTE (D2F @ Jul 12 2010, 08:40 AM) *
Then you only have rumors =)

What Catalyst staff have to say about the release schedule is just as -- if not more -- reliable as what's on their sites.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (Adam @ Jul 12 2010, 12:35 PM) *
What Catalyst staff have to say about the release schedule is just as -- if not more -- reliable as what's on their sites.

Yeah, the site is unfortunately lagging, and for that, I apologize. We're working on it!

There are several books and products being worked on. None of them, at this particular moment, are a new edition of the game.

Jason H.
As I see it, there are three formats;

"Anniversary"-style, which is a soft-blue monochrome page background;
SR4-standard, a green-monochrome page background, which can be seen most recetly in Seattle 2072;
or Black & White standard, or "Grayscale", which is less expensive (according to my research) and can allow for the 'watermark' graphics we get in Unwired, Runner's Companion, ect.

Personally, I find the soft-blue background in SR4a to be a little easier on the eyes than the green, but that's me. Also, I prefer that the grayscale printings change the 'inset' windows from a black-background with white text to a grey background with black text, because this too is far less strenuous on the reader's eyes.

But this is only the opinion of one person, I am by no means a policy-maker.
QUOTE (BookWyrm @ Jul 12 2010, 01:45 PM) *
As I see it, there are three formats;

"Anniversary"-style, which is a soft-blue monochrome page background;
SR4-standard, a green-monochrome page background, which can be seen most recetly in Seattle 2072;

Same format, different color.
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jul 12 2010, 06:40 PM) *
Yeah, the site is unfortunately lagging, and for that, I apologize. We're working on it!

Looking forward to it. Especially in a time of rumors and uncertainties, an up-to-date website is comforting.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (D2F @ Jul 12 2010, 01:38 PM) *
Looking forward to it. Especially in a time of rumors and uncertainties, an up-to-date website is comforting.

I'm keeping the blog up to date, but some of the more detailed scripting is beyond my current coding powers. And the pre-GenCon season is a bad time for me to learn code. There's someone else, though, who is supposed to be working it in to their schedule.

Jason H.
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jul 12 2010, 10:40 AM) *
Yeah, the site is unfortunately lagging, and for that, I apologize. We're working on it!

There are several books and products being worked on. None of them, at this particular moment, are a new edition of the game.

Jason H.

What about the cancer causing version announced on 4/1 a few years back, still haven't seen that one hit the presses yet.
JM Hardy
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 12 2010, 03:13 PM) *
What about the cancer causing version announced on 4/1 a few years back, still haven't seen that one hit the presses yet.

I'm holding that version hostage. I will release it to the first Dumpshocker that sends me five million dollars. PM me for details.

Jason H.
QUOTE (Adam @ Jul 12 2010, 01:56 PM) *
Same format, different color.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up, Adam.
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jul 12 2010, 03:30 PM) *
I'm holding that version hostage. I will release it to the first Dumpshocker that sends me five million dollars. PM me for details.

Jason H.

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