QUOTE (SaintHax @ Aug 9 2010, 02:03 PM)

Yes. It's cut and dry: you lose all contacts.
Actually, that's not 100% correct. From the Character Transfer Guide:
Continuing Characters
Players who wish to keep using their characters from the SRM02 (Denver) campaign are allowed to do so. Players should complete a Karma Transfer form (see p. 4), and have a gamemaster sign off on it, after reviewing their SRM02 debriefing
logs. Characters transferred in this way will lose all faction ratings (factions are different in NYC)
and any contacts gained in the campaign. Note also that any Denver based contacts they had established who were not official campaign contacts may be less useful to them from half-way across North America.
Emphasis added. So, you lose all the contacts you gained during the Missions events, but those on whom you spent BP remain your contacts. Just decidedly less useful if they're based in Denver.
Robert (aka Spanner)