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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hey all,

The Shadowrun Missions website is now online at

We'll be adding some more stuff to it in the coming weeks, including the first adventure - stay tuned!
Too cool. smile.gif

Thanks to Adam for laying out the page with artwork and stuff...

We're cookin' with gas now baby!
Spelling errors I've found:
In the player handouts, the fixers have "oversees" contacts rather than "overseas" contacts..
In the last paragraph of p3: "In order to ensure trickery and double-crosses [...]" should probably not read ensure, probably meant avoid...

Just trying to be helpful biggrin.gif

Adam, don't panic - he's refering to the adventure...

i DO have someone that sent me an email with all the errors we need to correct on the website...

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