Lets say you are a free spirit PC. You can travel back to your home metaplane at will and stay there indefinitely. Metahuman travelers can use adept powers there as if they had a body. All travelers use physical stats instead of only mental attributes. Any cyberware there can be used as normal.
mental attributes. Any cyberware there can be used as normal.
In many cases, any cyberware or bioware
the visitor possesses will also
function in the metaplane, though
it may appear differently, depending
on the metaphor. For instance,
if the metaplane were based on an
Industrial Age society, cyberware
may appear as steampunk pistons
and clockwork gears. If the metaplane
is naturalistic and wild, cyberware
may appear as fetishes and
charms worn by the visitor. If the
metaphor of the metaplane supports
the necessary technology, hacking
and rigging may be possible (at the
gamemaster’s discretion). Astral
perception is also typically possible on the metaplanes, but
a metaplanar form can never astrally project as he is already
outside his real body, no matter how real his metaplanar form
may seem.
Unlike astral projection, a metaplanar visitor can maintain
his metaplanar form indefinitely (unless he is in the deep
metaplanes, see below); the traveler’s body simply remains in
a coma-like state until he returns. Time within a metaplane
is subjective, however, so what may feel like weeks in a metaplane
make only take a few minutes of real world time (and
vice versa).
Metaplanar Physics and Metaphor
A traveler to the metaplanes experiences each plane
much like he experiences the physical world (rather than astral
space). The look and feel of a metaplane may differ quite
drastically from any place in the real world, however, and
even the physical laws may be different. The ineffable nature
of the metaplanes makes describing them difficult, but each
place within the metaplanes can be described according to a
specific metaphor. This metaphor governs the physical characteristics,
environment, and laws of the place—including the
form the character takes (see Metaplanar Forms). Metaphors
often suit the spirits or the tradition that correspond to that
particular metaplane, and may range from the simple (an underwater
metaphor for the Plane of Water) to the bizarre (see
the Crystalwell description, p. 128).
To complicate the matter further, many magicians claim their
spirits come from places unique to their traditional outlook
and no one can prove if those places are separate or part of
a greater whole. A Chinese magician might track the home
of one of his spirits of man to a heavenly city that houses the
Celestial Bureaucracy. Is this heavenly city a separate metaplane
or simply a region within a greater one? Who can really
say? Perhaps the only thing magicians agree upon about the
metaplanes is that they can bring you great power or a horrible
death. Next to that, the details seem very academic.
So cities may exist in the metaplanes.
So what is stopping someone from building or renting a home there. It is not clear what non magical items you can bring with you, and whether anything you leave behind lasts. But someone with enough skills in building things could presumably make a log cabin. Possibly make flint spears and arrows, or buy some stuff from the locals if the metaphor of that plane allows for that level of civilization.
It seems like nothing can physically be brought into or out of the metaplanes. But that this does not stop you from owning thing in both worlds.