Sep 28 2010, 12:02 AM
Before anyone gets the wrong impression I think this is a good mod, any rough spots it has are only there because it has a derth of material.
Now having set out that disclaimer: This module really needed to be broken into two missions as there is at least 5-8 hours worth of material there between the different gangs and their requirements and the affiliation system. The module suffers a little bit from too many plot lines syndrome.
Sep 28 2010, 11:08 PM
I personally can't imagine anyone actually running ANY SR Mission in under four hours.
For those GMs that do, I salute you.
Sep 29 2010, 06:05 AM
My group tends to clock in right about 4 hours for a ny mod. Big combats are what tend to slow us down as does lots of player/character debate.
Sep 29 2010, 06:16 AM
We've only had to finish in the parking lot a few times...
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