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Full Version: Foundation-Con March report
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
This weekend, March 5-7, was Foundation-Con in Lansing, Michigan. Because of the setup of the previous cons, few people preregistered. Thus, exptected turnout was unknown. We were to run the first two modules twice, during the morning and afternoon slots on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, 9:00 AM - Did not run
Saturday, 2:00 PM - Did not run. However, during the opening minutes of the slot a few people showed up to play. I was in a two-round event, and thus could not break away. But the trio was understanding and was willing to play in the next slot, since none had anything to do. I ran Mission Briefing after spending an hour helping character creation (None of them had brought books.) Fun was had.

Sunday, 9:00 AM - Did not run
Sunday, 2:00 PM - Did not run.

However, there will be post-con running of both modules, as several judges did not get to play in pre-con slot zeros. I may also be running these events as part of CARP's April Game Day. We will be running more ShadowRun Missions events as they become available.
Thanx Timberwolf...

This is why I didn't want to start the main story arc until Gencon...i knew that we would have a slow start building interest in the campaign and having both convention organizers and players know about it. I expect that now that people in your area know that Shadowrun will be offered at that convention, next year you will probably have a full table, if not two!

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