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Is there a readily available list of Shadowrun products and when they took place in the SR universe?
Over there, up to Sixth World Almanac.

QUOTE (Nath @ Apr 21 2004, 11:11 PM) *
2050 Shadowrun 1st Edition
02/2050 - Mercurial
08/2050 - Dreamchipper, Harlequin
12/2050 - DNA/DOA
01/2051 - Street Samurai Catalog, Queen Euphoria, Bottled Demon
03/2051 - Seattle Sourcebook
05/2051 - Missing Blood (adventure from Universal Brotherhood)
06/2051 - Paranormal Animals of North America, Ivy & Chrome
09/2051 - Eye of the Eagle (adventure from NAN2), Dark Angel
10/2051 - Peacekeeper (adventure from NAN1), Dragon Hunt, Imago
11/2051 - Total Eclipse
04/2052 - Neo-Anarchist Guide to North America
08/2052 - Rigger Black Book
12/2052 - NAN Volume 1 & 2
01/2053 - Shadowtech
2053 - Shadowrun 2nd Edition
05/2053 - Elven Fire
08/2053 - One Stage Before
09/2053 - Shadowbeat, Paranormal Animals of Europa
01/2054 - The Neo-anarchist guide to real life
05/2054 - Corporate Shadowfiles
06/2054 - Tir Tairngire, A Killing Glare
08/2054 - London SB
11/2054 - Tir na nOg
12/2054 - Germany SB, Lone Star, Paradise Lost
2055 - Double Exposure, Eye Witness, Harlequin's Back, Prime Runners
01/2055 - Fields of Fire
07/2055 - Denver: The City of Shadows
01/2056 - Bug City
03/2056 - Corporate Security Handbook
05/2056 - Divided Assets
06/2056 - Aztlan
12/2056 - Cybertechnology
12/2056 - Virtual Realities 2.0
02/2057 to 07/2057 - Super Tuesday!
02/2057 - Awakenings
03/2057 - California Free State
06/2057 - Threats
10/2057 - PoaD: Dunkelzahn's Secrets, Missions
09/2057 - Shadowrun Companion: Beyond the Shadows
01/2058 - Mob War!, Underworld SB
04/2058 - Target: UCAS
2059 - Predator & Prey
01/2059 - Cyberpirates
07/2059 - Target: Smuggler Havens
12/2059 - Renraku Arcology: Shutdown
08/2057 to 07/2060 - Blood in the Boardroom
06/2060 - Shadowrun 3rd Edition
09/2060 - New Seattle
2061 - First Run, Corporate Punishment
02/2061 - Corporate Download
05/2061 - Brainscan
08/2061 - Target: Matrix
12/2061 - Shadowrun Companion SR3
01/2061 to 04/2062 - Year of the Comet
2062 - Wake of the Comet?, Survival of the Fittest
06/2062 - Target: Awakened Lands
07/2062 - Threats 2
08/2062 - Shadows of North America
09/2062 - Target: Wastelands
01/2063 - SOTA:2063
02/2063 - Dragons of the Sixth World
04/2063 - Sprawl Survival Guide
06/2063 - Shadows of Europe
12/2063 - SOTA:2064
02/2064 - Loose Alliances
04/2064 - Shadows of Asia
04/2064 to 11/2064 - System Failure
2070 - Shadowrun 4th Edition
02/2070 - Runner Havens
04/2070 - Street Magic
08/2070 - Augmentation
01/2070 to 12/2070 - Emergence
02/2071 - Corporate Enclaves
04/2071 - Arsenal
05/2071 - Unwired
07/2071 - Runner's Companion
10/2071 - Feral Cities
02/2071 to 11/2071 - Ghost Cartels
2072 - Shadowrun 4th Edition/20th Anniversary
2072 - Seattle 2072
02/2072 - Dawn of the Artifacts/Dusk, Dawn of the Artifacts/Midnight
03/2072 - Vice
05/2072 - Corporate Guide
07/2072 - Running Wild
11/2072 - Almanac of the Sixth World
Credits to Gurth and helpers (2050-2060) and Nath (post-2060)
Thanks! Any idea about where the novels, short stories, video games, and such fit into the timeline?
Looks like the recent shadowrun video game is set in 2031:
Shadowrun SEGA version was 2058:
Shadowrun SNES version was 2050:
Doc Chase
The most recent game isn't canon. nyahnyah.gif DARE NOT SPEAK ITS NAME
Great! But can we update the list with products like Ghost Cartels and DotA?
02/2071 to 11/2071 - Ghost Cartels
2072 - Shadowrun 4th Edition/20th Anniversary
2072 - Seattle 2072
02/2072 - Dawn of the Artifacts/Dusk, Dawn of the Artifacts/Midnight
03/2072 - Vice
05/2072 - Corporate Guide
07/2072 - Running Wild
11/2072 - Almanac of the Sixth World

I don't have Darkest Hour, though a comment on page 131 in Corporate Guide refers to the "recent theft of the Phaistos disc".
Darkest Hour isn't due to be released until Oct. 24th. I'm hoping it will be in at The Compleat Strategist on the 30th, so I can pick it up, along with 6WA & a couple of other books.
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