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Full Version: Want to know when SR is running?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I noticed that someone in Orlando, my home town, happened to miss the fact that Shadowrun Missions was going to be running at Megacon. How this happened, I cannot fathom, as I have run at least 1 Shadowrun event since 1996 through SunQuest (they run the RPGs for Megacon) whether it be a stand alone event, Virtual Seattle, or now Shadowrun Missions...

So I thought this would be a good time to remind everyone that you can go to and sign up to as a PLAYER. When you do so, you can choose the Commandos closest to you and have them added to your account. Then, when one of them runs something, they will post it into the system and you'll get an automatic email invitation to notify you of the event!

Even if you find that there are no SR Commandos in your area, please sign up and check back every so often as more SR Commandos join up. Sure, it's mostly Battletech players right now, but once we get enough Shadowrunners on there, the aspect will shift...
I am a Commando located in the UK and run at various conventions (most recently Conception 2004), I promote my games just as bitrunner stated. All my slots at Conception were filled and I even had players from the Netherlands - so sign on as a player!
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