Oct 26 2010, 02:59 AM
Can a drone have Chameleon Coating and Mimic? I know the books don't mention it, but it just seems a little weird to me...
Oct 26 2010, 03:06 AM
If it has Mimic, it's pretending to be a metahuman. Wear ruthenium armor.
Oct 26 2010, 03:08 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 25 2010, 11:06 PM)

If it has Mimic, it's pretending to be a metahuman. Wear ruthenium armor.

I was thinking about doing that. I haven't looked into the complexity of combining two armors though.
Oct 26 2010, 03:09 AM
On a side note, can you put the ruthenium plymers on a bag? Like a ruck sack or something? I can't find rules for it anywhere, but I figured it would be the same as adding it to a weapon.
Oct 26 2010, 04:02 AM
There is an armor that comes in a duffel bag and can be put on quickly, can't remember the name, though.
Most drones that have Mimic are metahuman shaped and can wear armor. Whether they stack with onboard armor for damage resist purposes is up to your GM - technically the rules only talk about WORN armor not stacking with other worn armor, but some GMs consider the anthroform vehicle armor to count as "worn armor" for stacking.
In either case, though, there's nothing preventing a anthroform mimic drone from putting on a chameleon suit and using it to sneak around.
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