QUOTE (SaintHax @ Mar 1 2011, 12:02 AM)

Adepting written mods for SRM-- thus far, this has never been desired by Catalyst or SRM staff. The printed mods are meant for home campaigns, and if a SRM player plays it as a SRM mod, it's then worthless for his home GM. This could be very upsetting if the GM just paid for it just to run it for his home players.
Degree of difficulty-- first, not every game should be truely hard. What the point of getting better skills, stats, and equipment if the world around you is moving at the same pace. If that's the case, then you truely gained nothing. That being said, not every game should make you feel like the Leroy Brown either. Also remember that a campaign book can put down an extremely challenging run and force the GM to adjust to his players-- SRM can't. The Con GM doesn't know the players or the characters as well as a home GM, and currently the Con GM is restricted in his freedoms.
IMO the problem is two-fold: first, not every adventure scales right; blowing up the Broklyn Bridge can't be a feat that Green level characters can accomplish or it feels contribed. Nor would elite runners even get a call to just be body-guard/babysitter for a Johnson's niece. The second issue is that ShadowRun is very difficult to write something that scale well for green and veteran players, when you have no idea what 5-6 random 100 career karma characters maybe sitting down at the tabel with. And these mods need to be play tested at both levels 1 and 5, but I doubt this is being done.
Calendar-- I wouldn't broad scope crafting and time tracking as "balance". To me balance is, "why can a 60 career karma mage summon a F7 bound spirit that by itself can most likely kick my 130 karma adepts butt,". I personally don't see anything that needs to be added: ShadowRun comes with all the rules you need. However, I think you are fighting a lost cause, somethings in SRM seem to be based on staff whim or bias.
Why don't you need a contact to get a weaponsmith to modify your illeagel weapon (or to fence something, contacts are dismissed a lot by SRM). Why is the optional dice cap rule in force, when it's only a hard rule for social skills? Why is Astral Hazing disallowed but ok for home games? Somethings just are.
the inclusion of a compromise on crafting was , I agree, a lost cause and I knew it going in .... this is the reason Ive paid it so little attention other than to mention it as an alternative for future seasons and the fact that anytime a ruling is handed down there are ALWAYS people who aren't happy with it
I see Time tracking and crafting as a balance issue because of several reasons
Lets break them down into 2 skills (mainly cause Im tired and cant think beyond these 2)
Enchanting - the skill has 1-3 use in missions ... and thats preparing vessels(as noted in the FAQ), MAYBE Creating Fetish's/Talismans and MAYBE Creating ritual materials since the last 2 fall under the Idea of Crafting thats why I say maybe
Software - this skill has 6 uses outside of programming 2 of them are Probably never going to be seen ,1 I personally have never seen a reason to utilize it, and 1 is Technomancer only
Locate hacked accounts or reusable exploits(not something runners need to worry about generally)
PFF Files
Deleting accounts during a DOS attack
Changing Cyberware information
Create Reusable Exploit
basically there is no reason to ever get enchanting unless your possession tradition, and even now I question its validity here because making inanimate vessels would fall under crafting and the magician summoning the spirit is considered to already be a prepared vessel
Software is a perk skill because its part of a core hackers skill group but ultimately has Massive reduced uses (unless your a techno)
I am by no means arguing whats been laid down I'm simply expanding on why I see this as a balance issue. again I knew this part was a loosing battle going in and Im sad I just spent as much time as I did on this to explain it
the adaptable thing is a bit different and much easier to address
-your right .... not every mission should be hard or a Cake walk, and again your right, an adaptable is not designed to be run at a con
-I dont know what its like other places ... but in my area Shadowrun is a INCREDIBLY hard game to locate and even then most of them are filled by the time they are located so SRM Groups (and theres only 1 that I know of and thats mine) is a fairly tight knit group that runs missions like a home game following missions rules in the event that we ever get lucky to go to a big con and play at a CMP or a scramble table and again I believe that adapted modules would give a feel of True RvR to missions characters
-the 2 modules you mentioned below ... I must admit I missed the babysit the niece, but the brooklyn bridge was not difficult AT ALL
-I have run all of Denver .... and played 1/2 of new york ... and have not felt any of them to be a challange .... most of them I could have nearly slept through while I played/ran them
the reasons to take print modules and adapt them for organized play is fairly simple,
- Give the players Challange in the face of what I have seen to be incrediblely easy mods
- Promote sales of the Print modules ... because now they are available for 2 markets ... pure home play ... and missions (not to mention most home games dont use a lot of print products)
Lots of players dont have the money to fly to GenCon or PAX or other big cons to be able to play the CMP's (I know I sure dont) so they by default miss out on the ability to experience some of the (Probably) more difficult mods for the campaign
TBH If the Powers that be came to me and told me I could only chase after one of these 2 Items (Regardless of success) I would choose the adaptables because yes ... SR is a beast for downtime and making it actually work would be a headache Id not wish on any living person
you said that neither catalyst nor SRM wants this ... well then I have wasted a lot of keystrokes, time, and energy on this ... but hopefully I have made enuf sense to cause some thought on renegotiating the Idea, if not ... meh opinions are like ***holes ... everyone has them ...