QUOTE (Wasabi @ Mar 2 2011, 11:50 AM)

If Sound damage wasn't curable with a Stim Patch and if Silence spells/powers didnt act as armor it would be really good... until you're trying to silently take something out. Mana Ball only takes a verbal componant to be overheard not a peal of thunder.

I agree mostly, but then Sound also has the nausea / deafening secondary effects. Mana ball might be better as far as infiltration, but for times when you don't have to be circumspect, sound is pretty bad-ass
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Mar 2 2011, 01:01 PM)

I'm going to ask before someone else does: where does it say sonic spells are noisy? I'd never use or allow such munchkinry, but *shrug*.
Sound"Sound hits the target with a wave of unbelievably loud noise and gut-churning vibrations."
Since it's a physical, elemental effect spell, this means it's real noise, not imagined / in the target's head. I guess you could argue it's noise only the target can hear? The absence of any qualifiers should rule that out, but people have argued stranger things, I guess. Also,
"Armor has no effect, but sound dampers and spells like Silence and Hush add their rating/hits to the defender’s dice pool (effectively acting like sound armor)."
This should also mean that Sound damage is noisy, since it's the noise creating the damage, otherwise Silence or Hush wouldn't work.
I (think I) know where you're going with this though

I hope my "stop blatant abuse of RAW rulings"-fu is good enough.