In SR4A (page 167), it states that:
Condition Monitor
Vehicles have a Condition Monitor to track damage and operability, just like characters. Vehicles do not suffer from Stun damage, however, so they simply have one Physical Condition Monitor. Higher Body vehicles have more damage “boxes,” same as with characters. A vehicle’s Condition Monitor has a number of boxes equal to 8 plus half the vehicle’s Body attribute (round up). A Body 3 vehicle, for example, has 10 boxes on its Condition Monitor.
What happens when they exceed this condition track? SR4A “Exceeding the condition track” specifically mentions that it applies to characters.
If a character takes more Physical damage than he has boxes in the Physical damage track, the character is in trouble. Overflowing the Physical damage track means that the character is near death. Instant death occurs only if damage overflows the Physical damage track by more than the character’s Body attribute. One point over that limit and they will be toasted over drinks at their favorite shadowrunner bar.
Characters whose Physical damage has overflowed the Physical damage track by less than their Body attribute can survive if they receive prompt medical attention. If left unattended, such a character takes an additional box of damage every (Body) Combat Turns for blood loss, shock, and other things that affect a body on the brink of death. If this damage exceeds the character’s Body attribute before medical help arrives, the character dies. See Physical Damage Overflow, p. 253, for the rules governing medical aid to characters in that condition.
What happens to a vehicle that has filled its condition track? Does it begin to bleed and die? Can vehicles enter a state that is beyond repair? Page 138 of SR4A lists that the threshold for repairing an object that is beyond repair is 16+ hits on the appropriate technical skill.
In Arsenal page 104 it states:
Inevitably, a shadowrunner’s ride or drones with get knocked up, shot up, dented, and scratched. To repair damage inflicted on a vehicle, a Build/Repair Extended Test is called for, using Logic + the appropriate vehicle mechanic skill (Aeronautics Mechanic for aircraft , Automative Mechanic for groundcraft , Nautical Mechanic watercraft, or even Industrial Mechanic for certain industrial drones/vehicles). The threshold is equal to the number of damage boxes the vehicle has taken, and the interval is 6 hours. Vehicle repairs typically require replacement parts that cost an amount equal to 1% of the vehicle’s base cost per box of damage, with the same Availability as the vehicle. Minor repairs (1–3 boxes) can be handled with a vehicle kit, otherwise a vehicle shop is necessary.
What is the official and appropriate way to handle vehicle repairs when a vehicle has filled its condition track (or exceeded if that is possible/correct)? Can a vehicle which has exceeded the condition track still be repaired using the repair rules in Arsenal?
On a related question: what can be salvaged from a vehicle which has filled/exceeded the condition track? Weapons (from mounts), Sensors? Accessories? Tires? Modifications?