So i have a character who's a medic and i'm rather taken with the idea of mounting a biomonitor in his hand(seems logical) or his skull (a little more of a stretch) so he can use it on patients. Any thoughts on the legality of such? I can't find anything that expressly forbids or permits it and considering it says right in the text they can be put into clothing or hand carried I can't see a logical problem
Biomonitor: This compact device measures life signs—heart
rate, blood pressure, temperature, and so on. The biomonitor can also
analyze blood, sweat, and skin samples. Used by medical services and
patients who need to monitor their own health, biomonitors can be
worn as an armband or wristband or integrated into clothing.
While i'm on the subject I thought there was a bonus for having a biomonitor when performing first aid but now I can't seem to find it so it may be a moot point.