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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Subject says it all...
Oh I'm fairly certain I'd be lynched if I didn't..... ;7

So far a little light on GMs, only have 4, but we'll see what the coming month brings. Got a full plate of CMPs to run, and if we magically get more GMs, Missions too.
Yay, Kai is on the job!!!
One of these years Dragoncon,

Kai you coming to Gencon this year?
I am, I'm even playing 2 Shadowrun games smile.gif
Don't suppose you wanna RUN anything at GC, do ya? wink.gif
Oh man, he's mean.
Let's make a deal, I will run one game at Gencon for every GM you can find me that will work 2 games at Dragon*Con ;7
Work quick, Zach, Saleem, Mac, and Matt Beard are my entire staff right now and I have to have a majority of events in by the end of next week biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Kai @ Jul 14 2011, 04:19 PM) *
Let's make a deal, I will run one game at Gencon for every GM you can find me that will work 2 games at Dragon*Con ;7
Work quick, Zach, Saleem, Mac, and Matt Beard are my entire staff right now and I have to have a majority of events in by the end of next week biggrin.gif


I'm not on your list??? I hurt... frown.gif

This would have been year 5 for me...

Well you are now! nyahnyah.gif Was just the list of the GMs who had responded to me at the time, life has gotten a bit too hectic to chase everyone down individually, heh
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