Jun 28 2011, 02:36 AM
About the FAQ changes:
1) Might I suggest also banning the use of the Influence spirit power on Conjured spirits? If you want to make plots that would be disrupted by Influence, you should probably also ban the spirit power, or a lot of mages can still accomplish the same thing.
2) Me and a few of my friends have newly-banned things, and would actually prefer retconning other things into their place for the sake of consistency and fairness to newer characters. Is it OK if we retcon rather than grandfather? Or would you prefer that characters stay as they were?
I completely understand that you want to allow grandfathering for characters who cannot be retconned without becoming completely different and I'm not suggesting that you require retconning.
Jun 28 2011, 11:51 AM
Please allow players a mechanic where they can shed the baggage since its clear you dont want it there in the first place. Character changing without loss of XP is already a mechanic in place for changing seasons. If a mechanic is so terrible it is banned mid-season please allow affected characters to start over with a new character keeping only their XP and name.
It may seem like a big precedent but the precedent started when RAW was replaced with house rules in the guise of an FAQ. players want to be compliant and need a mechanic to allow it. The new-character mechanic is already in place and certainly punishing so its not a first resort for those players with newly banned mechanics.
Jun 28 2011, 03:20 PM
Let's not get overly-dramatic here; Bull already said that characters who had Possession or mental spells would have them grandfathered.
Jun 28 2011, 05:04 PM
Will there be a list of all the banned spells added to the locked post? Also, will the official FAQ be updated in time for the people who don't cruise the message boards can be sure that any new characters made for Gencon that are compliant?
Jun 28 2011, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (UmaroVI @ Jun 28 2011, 10:20 AM)

Let's not get overly-dramatic here; Bull already said that characters who had Possession or mental spells would have them grandfathered.
If its banned it may be permitted but is no longer socially acceptable. Thats not drama thats trying to avoid drama.
Hida Tsuzua
Jun 29 2011, 03:05 PM
I understand why Bull will want grandfathering especially for Prime Runners. He doesn't want anyone to not be able to bring their beloved 400+ karma dude to Scrambles and the like just because there were rules problems.
I'm for having some sort of "if you discover your character is illegal and / or the rules change, you can make changes as appropriate to the character." I think it fits in with the "use your best judgement and don't sweat details" appear Bull has generally taken with Missions.
Jun 30 2011, 02:40 AM
Yeah, as I have stated elsewhere, I'd prefer at least the option to retcon my characters to not have the newly banned stuff. Actually I'd prefer there NOT be any grandfathering at all, even if it would hit my characters hard, but I'd settle for the option.
I have had my fill of "old boys clubs" from other campaigns, and I do not want the resentment from have-nots potentially poisoning gameplay. I'd rather not deal with explaining why I can have something but this new player can't.
is a firm believer that if one thing being banned "ruins" your character, you don't have a character, you have a schtick
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