[ Spoiler ]
"Banshee, maybe you can explain this to him better?"
"Well, I was planning on explaining that we wanted to Mind Probe his daughter, so maybe you should do the talking."
I played this mission as Banshee with Geoff Raye. I had a lot of fun at this mission and thought Geoff did an excellent job with it.
I thought this version of Manhunt was noticeably improved from the rougher version - good job on that!
For the most part I thought Manhunt was fine. We ran a bit short on time, but that was largely because we spent a lot of time interacting with interesting NPCs. Because of this there may be stuff in the very final part that we skimmed over.
Things I liked:
The NPCs were neat, and the villains were something different than the normal opposition.
The outdoor mission was a nice change of pace and gave some of our less-used skills screentime.
The mystery plot was well-done, and it didn't feel railroady. I felt like we'd accomplished something when we figured out what was going on.
I really loved the stuff you could do to help at the farm, like fortifying it, repairing stuff, treating injuries, encouraging people, etc. It gave a lot of people stuff to do with not-often-used skills and had plenty of interesting roleplaying.
Hackers didn't really have much to do. It wasn't a huge problem, but it would be nice to have at least a little of matrix stuff for them. A suggestion: perhaps have Hua know less about the previous animal killings, and require some Hacking to get at that data - possibly also turning up the information that the previous victims were people the mage thought were "defiling the earth" and very unlike hippy farmers. This wouldn't make hacking mission-critical but it would make it handy.
The heat rules could potentially screw over characters who were just wearing one big piece of armor rather than playing My Little Shadowrunner Pretty Princess Dressup; we had one party member who would have been naked except that another PC just happened to have a spare piece of armor lying around. It might be a good idea for Hua and/or Singh to have some spare light armor to loan out.