QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Jul 10 2011, 08:37 AM)

Before I put my lackluster programing skills and sorely limited time resources to the test has anyone done this? A simple website or excell spreadhseet that players preload their attributes, statistics, and bonsuses into. WHen combat comes it rolls initiative (I know there is an initiative webform already it is excellent) and then whenever the players need to roll the program itself pops up a window allowing the GM to select from the appropriate combat skills and then use a slider to select any appropriate situational modifiers. It will prompt (likely with a checkbox before the dice are even rolled) whether the defender wants to actively dodge and with what skill. There will be an additional slider for situational modifiers there. Additionally there will be checkboxes for either side to spend edge before the roll. On the results window there will be an option to spend edge after the roll to reroll failures or add edge.
Ultimately what i'm looking for is something I can bring to cons (preferably on my Ipad) I can bring to cons as a GM to speed up combat and save the associated time involved in dice rolls and then counting. Does anyone have something like this already?
If I'm reading this correctly, what yer talking about is taking the combat mechanics in the book and creating an application around them. I love the idea. It would cut time in a playing session and give more time for roleplaying and p(l)ot advancement (haha, see what I did there).
Anyways. My suggestion is to start small if you're going to do it. Maybe start with the gunfire mechanic first and get it to tell you the number of dice the attacker rolls vs. the number of dice the defender rolls (example: 2 net hits for attacker), based on selected options. Then once you get that going, you could add in the damage resistance tests etc. and a dice rolling mechanic to actually tell you how much damage the defender takes as opposed to outputting # of dice. Voila! Then you'd have a push button combat calculator that would look great running on an ipad.
If you wanted to get fancy, you could get an even higher level of abstraction going. Something like 'pc <pc name dropdown menu> attacks <npc or pc dropdown> with <dropdown of weapons or whatever available to pc> <submit button>. And clicking on submit could just generate something like '2 boxes of stun damage' or 'miss'. Food for thought.
One last thing. You may want to bring this up to Nebular (author of the Chummer Character Generator). He likes a challenge.