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The Jopp
How would you handle grenades with multiple submunitions loaded?

Splash Grenades: DMSO / Pepper Punch / Teargas

How should one simulate the smaller amount of dose. The DMSO will just be a carrier so we have Pepper Punch+Teargas. I'm thinking halving the area of effect when calculating the damage for each extra dose after the first.

1 Dose: Full area effect
2 Doses: 1/2 area
3 Doses: 1/3 area
Pepper punch and tear gas are contact agents. Why use DMSO?
Just to get under the skin of their enemies.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 12 2011, 01:44 AM) *
Just to get under the skin of their enemies.

Boooo, Hissss..... Horrible Canray.
The Jopp
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 12 2011, 09:44 AM) *
Just to get under the skin of their enemies.


I wonder if contact poisons would hurt more if they are ABSORBED by the skin instead of just burning on the outside.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 12 2011, 03:44 AM) *
Just to get under the skin of their enemies.
Teargas effect can be removed by washing the skin. DMSO would prevent that. Still, its more of a mean thing to do than a useful thing.
The dosage of toxin grenades doesn't make sense to begin with, so have fun trying to modify and build on it. biggrin.gif

I don't think you'd get reduced *area*, though. You'd get decreased (probably insufficient) dosage over the normal area.
Depends on the toxin. Tear gas and Pepper Punch are irritants and only really deal damage external.

For instance, Capsaicin, the active ingredient in Pepper Spray, hurts like a sunavabitch if you get even a little in your mucus membranes. But it doesn't have a toxic effect unless you drink a full bottle of the military grade stuff.
You can also build up a tolerance to Tear Gas and Capsaicin.
Put a little pepper in your soycaf, never worry about riot control again!
Oh, you need more than that. Get a Chilean Cook contact. nyahnyah.gif
The Jopp
QUOTE (CanRay @ Aug 12 2011, 03:38 PM) *
Oh, you need more than that. Get a Chilean Cook contact. nyahnyah.gif

Im sorry but that is restricted gear. First of all it is a digested poison, it is also a cruel and unusual punishment and a WMD, or at least an WAD (Weapon of Ass Destruction).

It is also an excellent torture device (they WILL talk after a week of ONLY strong chili to eat...)
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