Nov 29 2011, 09:54 PM
This is a plea to the collective knowledge of dumpshock:
I'm searching for a human male physical adept shadowrunner active in the 2050s and possibly into the 60s; an established character part of SR-canon, that hasn't been officially killed off. It should be someone who would be at least semi-known in the shadow community.
Anyone on here know if an adept fitting that description appears in shadowtalk, sourcebooks, adventures, or novels and other fiction?
Stats and powers are irrelevant/not needed.
Nov 29 2011, 10:00 PM
The first name that comes to mind is Ryan Mercury, however if you use him be prepared to be pelted with rotten produce and suffer interminable jokes about Nadia Daviar
Nov 29 2011, 11:37 PM, no, no...
Besides, I need someone from earlier than that (who isn't a munchkin-drake, at that)
Nov 29 2011, 11:38 PM
I would suggest Wolf from the novel Wolf and Raven. He is a human adept wolf shaman. He has some unique powers but other than that he fits the bill.
Nov 30 2011, 12:09 AM
Johnny Zen, an archery adept. Featured in Awakenings: New Magic in 2057. Talon may also be an adept, but I can't recall; he was a shadowtalker in a buncha books, Awakenings among them.
Nov 30 2011, 01:23 AM
Talon's a Shaman. I really can't think of any famous adepts, but I'm limited on character knowledge.
Nov 30 2011, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Nov 29 2011, 09:23 PM)

Talon's a Shaman. I really can't think of any famous adepts, but I'm limited on character knowledge.
Mage, actually, not Shaman.
And as for the OP? Mercury's really probably your best shot, or Johnny (who was already mentioned, too). There weren't a whole lot of Adepts in the earlier stuff, and without there having been a stable...well,
stable, of Jackpoint-type posters, we never really got character details on a whole ton of the "big name" NPCs. Tendencies and hints, at time, yes, but not a whole lot of "so and so is an Adept," outright. Or, at least, certainly not for Adepts. There were a handful with prominent roles in novels, but none that were really what I'd consider shadow-famous, but a longshot. No one like an Argent or a Dodger or a Ghost Who Walks Inside.
Closest I can think besides Ryan Mercury or Zen might be to snag
SOTA '64 and pull out one of the Adept shadowtalkers from the pertinent section.
Nov 30 2011, 02:10 AM
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 29 2011, 05:57 PM)

Mage, actually, not Shaman.
Oh, I guess that makes more sense considering the motorcycle ally spirit.
Nov 30 2011, 02:23 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Nov 29 2011, 10:10 PM)

Oh, I guess that makes more sense considering the motorcycle ally spirit.
Well, he could'a been a Shaman of Steve McQueen or something, I dunno.
Nov 30 2011, 02:25 AM
Best mentor spirit ever.
Nov 30 2011, 02:27 AM
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 29 2011, 10:23 PM)

Well, he could'a been a Shaman of Steve McQueen or something, I dunno.

I want to make an Wheelman Adept with him as a Mentor Spirit.
Nov 30 2011, 04:19 AM
There's always Drake. He was the first drake in shadowtalk. He said he was an adept when discussing his problem, then Jane in the Box pops in makes a deal to meet him. Later he says he got ambushed and didn't trust Jane any more. In order to get drake and others like him to trust her she uploads a file about the awakening drakes. We never heard from him again after that.
Nov 30 2011, 10:13 AM
QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 30 2011, 02:57 AM)

Mage, actually, not Shaman.
And as for the OP? Mercury's really probably your best shot, or Johnny (who was already mentioned, too). There weren't a whole lot of Adepts in the earlier stuff, and without there having been a stable...well, stable, of Jackpoint-type posters, we never really got character details on a whole ton of the "big name" NPCs. Tendencies and hints, at time, yes, but not a whole lot of "so and so is an Adept," outright. Or, at least, certainly not for Adepts. There were a handful with prominent roles in novels, but none that were really what I'd consider shadow-famous, but a longshot. No one like an Argent or a Dodger or a Ghost Who Walks Inside.
Closest I can think besides Ryan Mercury or Zen might be to snag SOTA '64 and pull out one of the Adept shadowtalkers from the pertinent section.
Yeah, that's pretty much the conclusion I had come to. There was a distinct lack of named adepts back in 2nd Ed...heck, there still is =/
I'll take a look in SOTA; thanks for that tip. I'd forgotten about Johnny Zen though, he might work...
Nov 30 2011, 04:17 PM
Well, we're up from "almost none" to "a handful," at least. Mika, Mi'Fan, Thorn, and one or two others, just off the top of my head, that are somewhat regular posters.
Nov 30 2011, 05:14 PM
Wasn't there also an adept on the other team in the Dragon Heart books? The team that flew in and rescued Mercury from the pyramid. I don't remember her name though.
Nov 30 2011, 06:11 PM
Maybe we'll get more canon adepts when SR5 gets here.
Saint Hallow
Nov 30 2011, 07:15 PM
There was a female gun adept/sniper in the Terminus Experiment.
Dec 7 2011, 06:07 AM
QUOTE (Saint Hallow @ Nov 30 2011, 11:15 AM)

There was a female gun adept/sniper in the Terminus Experiment.
Oh no! He said
The Words!
Wounded Ronin
Dec 7 2011, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (snowRaven @ Nov 29 2011, 05:54 PM)

This is a plea to the collective knowledge of dumpshock:
I'm searching for a human male physical adept shadowrunner active in the 2050s and possibly into the 60s; an established character part of SR-canon, that hasn't been officially killed off. It should be someone who would be at least semi-known in the shadow community.
Anyone on here know if an adept fitting that description appears in shadowtalk, sourcebooks, adventures, or novels and other fiction?
Stats and powers are irrelevant/not needed.
Chuck Norris!
Dec 7 2011, 07:40 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Dec 7 2011, 11:39 AM)

Chuck Norris!
There are over 10 million runners in the shadows.... because Chuck Norris allows them to live!
Dec 8 2011, 01:10 AM
Please, let's not start that or I'll bring the Shadowrun Bronies here.
Dec 8 2011, 01:10 PM
NO! No, no!
No Bronies...Someone: lock this topic quick!
Dec 8 2011, 01:15 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 7 2011, 08:10 PM)

Please, let's not start that or I'll bring the Shadowrun Bronies here.
Now I really am tempted to make a troll adept, heavy weapons gunslinger adept specializing in assualt cannons... with MLP reality filter and virtual person software..
quick roll up in chummer... sucks a bit because I could use some of the positives to get an assault cannon.. but be lacking at a few areas
[ Spoiler ]
== Attributes ==
BOD: 8
AGI: 4
REA: 4 (6)
STR: 8
CHA: 2
INT: 3
LOG: 3
WIL: 3
EDG: 2
MAG: 5
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 7 (9)
IP: 1 (3)
Astral Initiative: 6
Astral IP: 3
Matrix Initiative: 4
Matrix IP: 2
Physical Damage Track: 12
Stun Damage Track: 10
== Active Skills ==
Automatics : 3 Pool: 7
Dodge : 3 Pool: 9
Etiquette : 2 [Military] Pool: 4 (6)
Heavy Weapons : 6 [Assault Cannon] Pool: 13 (15)
Intimidation : 2 [Physical] Pool: 4 (6)
Longarms : 3 Pool: 7
Perception : 2 Pool: 7
Pilot Ground Craft : 1 [Wheeled] Pool: 7 (9)
Pistols : 3 Pool: 7
Unarmed Combat : 2 [Martial Arts] Pool: 6 (8)
== Knowledge Skills ==
Combat Tactics : 2 Pool: 5
English : N Pool: 0
Firearms : 2 [Heavy Weapons] Pool: 5 (7)
Military : 2 [Army] Pool: 5 (7)
My Little Pony : 4 Pool: 7
Spanish : 3 Pool: 6
Trogg Rock Bands : 3 Pool: 6
== Contacts ==
Arms Dealer (1, 2)
Fixer (2, 1)
== Qualities ==
Aptitude (Heavy Weapons)
Delusion (His MLP Virtual Person software is real)
Distinctive Style (5 pts)
Nano Intolerance
Perceptive (+2 Bonus)
Sensitive System
The Warrior's Way
Thermographic Vision
== Powers ==
Combat Sense Rating: 4
Improved Ability (Combat) (Heavy Weapons) Rating: 3
Improved Reflexes 2
Improved Sense (Flare Compensation)
Improved Sense (Damper)
== Lifestyles ==
Low 1 months
== Armor == (13/11 + dermal armor)
Armor Jacket 8/6
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit 4/1
SecureTech Forearm Guards 0/1
SecureTech Leg and Arm Casings 1/1
SecureTech Shin Guards 0/1
SecureTech Vitals Protector 1/1
== Weapons ==
Enfield AS-7
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Shock Pad
+Laser Sight
DV: 7P AP: -1 RC: 6
Ruger Bloodhawk
+Quick-Draw Holster
+Laser Sight
+Metahuman Customization
DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 1
Unarmed Attack
DV: 4S AP: - RC: 0
== Commlink ==
CMT Clip (1, 1, 1, 3)
+Vector Xim
+Sim Module (Cold)
+Subvocal Microphone
+AR Gloves
+Virtual Person
+Wall Space
+Analyze Rating 1 [Copy Protection 1, Registration]
+Browse Rating 1 [Copy Protection 1, Registration]
+Reality Filter Rating 1 [Copy Protection 1, Registration]
+Edit Rating 1 [Copy Protection 1, Registration]
== Gear ==
Ammo Drum/Box (Enfield AS-7) x2
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistols) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Shotguns) x60
Goggles Rating 1
+Image Link
Respirator Rating 5
Stimulant Patch Rating 6 x3
Xahn Borealis
Dec 30 2011, 01:45 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 8 2011, 01:10 AM)

Please, let's not start that or I'll bring the Shadowrun Bronies here.
Too late.
Dec 30 2011, 04:57 PM
We are the Bronies. We will add you to the Herd.
Resistance is futile. Prepeare to be loved and tolerated.
Canon Adept . . if Novels count, Neko?
I think he might actually have been in some source books too.
Japanese Human Adept specialising in breaking and entering, stealth and a bit of the social hanky panky i guess.
Dec 30 2011, 07:39 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 30 2011, 12:57 PM)

Canon Adept . . if Novels count, Neko?
Considering who wrote said novels... A good chance.
Dec 30 2011, 08:11 PM
It's been a few years since I read Never Trust an Elf, but I think I remember Neko just being a really skilled mundane. He certainly fits the adept type, mind you, but I don't recall them ever actually making the connection in the novel.
There was an adept named Neko who posted to SOTA 64, talking about the Invisible Way. His writing still didn't remind me of Charrette's character, necessarily, and he was a Nightingale burglar. No real link between the two but the name. "Neko" is just Japanese for "cat," though, so I imagine it's the sort of street name that's pretty common (like "Ronin," or something).
Dec 30 2011, 08:40 PM
"What's your handle?" "You can call me... 'WizWyrm'." "Oh $Deity, not another one." "What?" "You're the FIFTH magician we've had in the group named that!" "Really?" "Yes. It's just as bad as trolls named 'Tiny' and humans named 'Breeder'." "Actually... We just call them Breeder, we don't bother to learn their names." "Oh, right."
Dec 30 2011, 10:59 PM
"Actually, he spells it "Styx"..."
"...oh. huh."
Xahn Borealis
Dec 30 2011, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Eimi @ Dec 30 2011, 10:59 PM)

"Actually, he spells it "Styx"..."
"...oh. huh."

I haven't read that story in a while, got a link?
Dec 30 2011, 11:41 PM
QUOTE (Critias @ Dec 30 2011, 09:11 PM)

It's been a few years since I read Never Trust an Elf, but I think I remember Neko just being a really skilled mundane. He certainly fits the adept type, mind you, but I don't recall them ever actually making the connection in the novel.
There was an adept named Neko who posted to SOTA 64, talking about the Invisible Way. His writing still didn't remind me of Charrette's character, necessarily, and he was a Nightingale burglar. No real link between the two but the name. "Neko" is just Japanese for "cat," though, so I imagine it's the sort of street name that's pretty common (like "Ronin," or something).
i . . . may have gotten those two mixed up <.<;,
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