QUOTE (Morlonde @ Jan 13 2012, 02:10 AM)

Hi guys. Im new to shadowrun and have been using 4.0 edition. Im looking to play the food fight adventure included in the quick start book. I have my head round the basics after reading the full rulebook, but am having trouble getting my head round the initiave phase and general combat machanics.
Do i have to ask my players to roll initiave every round?
As i understand it combat in shadowrun works using opposed test (rather than ac and other stat checks in d&d), but how do i fit weapons into this? And how do i calulate damage?
Are there any extra rules involved in mage or hacker combat? (Ie spells or a hacker trying to disable cybereyes or other cyberware)
In fact combat in general is a confusing minefeild, so any help on areas i have not covered would be a great help.
Any examples and explinations would be greatly appreciated.
And as my curiousity is peeked: what is dumpshock?
Initiative: Not every round. Every Combat Turn. keep in mind each player may be able to go more than once each combat turn - up to 4 times at higher power levels. (you can simplify this by buying hits if you must)
Combat: Combat has a few steps
ROLL TO HIT! Generally agility + skill + bonuses like smartlinks. Count the # of successes.
Defender rolls to NOT be hit! Typically this is just Reaction(only!) against guns(they are deadly for a reason), and reaction+Unarmed/dodge/weaponskill(choose one!) in melee. They MAY spend actions to go on full defense to get more dice. Each Success on the defense REDUCES the number of successes the ATTACKER gets. If there are 0 successes left, the attack has been dodged. if there is at least one, the attacker hits. The number of successes greatly matter, because they increase your damage. A well-aimed attack with 5 hits/successes will do +5 damage later!
Now you roll for Armor and to RESIST the damage. The BASIC damage is dependent on your gun(typically 4-6P) and ammo, in melee usually STRENGTH / 2 + Something(knifes are +1). Each hit on the attack raises the damage by one. The defender rolls Body+armor to resist physical damage, and if damage is not GREATER than their armor, then the physical damage is reduced to Stun (thick body armor keeps bullets from doing mortal damage), AND each success on the Resistance test reduces the damage you take by 1.
Keep in mind that there is both Impact and Ballistic armor and you have two different values for each.
Example: John shoots sally, rolls dice, gets 3 hits. He is using a light pistol for 4 physical damage. Sally rolls to defend, getting 1 hits. The net hits john has is 2(3-1), so his damage is 6(4+2). Unfortunately, sally is a big nasty troll in full body armor, and between her huge Body score and massive Ballistic armor, she rolls 6 successes, and take no damage even through she was hit. Maybe john should bring some armor piercing ammo next time!
Mage combat: Yes. Worry about that later
Matrix combat: Yes. Worry about that WAY later. The matrix is the most confusing ruleset of them all.