I was always under the impression that Technomancers could hit ridiculously big dice pools when played right but one of my friends I was talking to was swearing I've been running Technomancers all wrong and that they have a hard limit but I can't find it anywhere... Except for the Threading Limit cap (which is 2 x Resonance) Lemme break down an example...
A Technomancer with Resonance 6, Command 6 (12 when Threaded), Gunnery 6, Rating 12 Sprite, +2 for Hot Sim VR, could Shoot with a Drone at a 32 Dice Pool when the Sprite boosts your Command Complex Form for the next 12 rounds.
Now his argument is you can accept ANY more bonuses (Threaded or otherwise) to your Complex Forms after you hit 2 x your Resonance in it's rating... Yet I'm not finding anything. Was their errata or something that was released that I'm not aware of since for quite a few years, this has been the reasoning I've been using with my Technomancers when using them.