I have never seen a PC actually take the Spirit Pact positive quality. I imagine this is due to the ambigious descriptions, which make players believe "but he will demand all my karma" and "the GM will totally screw with me".
maybe, if the mechanics were clearer a group would feel safer when dealing with it.
This thread is supposed to be an intent to shed some light on the 6 pacts offered on SM p. 108.
I will start with some quick ideas. The Free Spirit in question is always assumed to be force 6. This is the lower limit set as a guideline on page 106. Spirit's of higher force I deem unbalanced and chargen magic only goes up to magic 6, too. I will also use all cost in Karma, so we can implement Spirits demanding karma.
Drain Pact
Effect: add Force/2 dice to drain resistance test.
equals: Focused Concentration quality.
cost: Edge x 10 karma vs. 20 karma per drain resist die.
solution: A force 6 spirit results in 3 dice and should therefore cost 60 karma (=6 Edge). This can easily be scaled downwarsd and upwards.
"The spirit may demand karma..." This can be solved by giving the spirit lower edge at chargen and supplying the spirit with a constant karma income until the total 60karma have been payed, hopefully before the end of the campaign. The mechanic of buying (off) qualities stepwise has been introduced for critters with Uneducated.
I ignored the addiction thing
Dream Pact
Effect: Spirit uses your body as a vessel during your sleep
There is almost no advantage for the PC except for the hunted and paranoid, but would you trust a Free Spirit then? Any quality cost is too much. It's like playing an Oni and paying only for the Distinctive Style negative quality.
Formula Pact
Effect: PC carries Spirit's formula and gains Immunity to Age
Fluffwise Immunity to Age sound great and worth some karma. For a PC this is usually not a matter.
A very unlucky PC who aquires the Progeria Surge negative quality might seek such pact to stop the fast aging process.
Depending on how fast the aging was stopped, the cost should equal the buy off of Progeria's negative effects.
Life Pact
Effect: PC may get rid of two boxes of physical damage per 1 karma payed.
Since this could be used to save one's life instead of burning Edge, an unlucky, careful or reckless PC profits very much.
cost: assuming burning a point of Edge will cost this guy on average 20 karma, the Pact Spirit should have Edge 2. This is a very rough estimate and is up to interpretation at each table.
Magic Pact
Effect: Enhance Magic by Force/2 for Force CTs once a day. Spirit may use your Edge as he wants.
So this is good for one combat or one Summoning per day. A F3 power Focus costs 24 karma to bond and 30karma in Nuyen, but can be used all the time. I suggest the latter cancels out the Enhancing Magic aspect.
How much is it worth to let the spirit use my Edge? Depends on how much I have! Ignoring this using only the power focus cost relation, the Quality should cost 60 karma and therefore the Free Spirit has 6 Edge. Since he has that much himself, he won't need mine too often. Reducing his Edge and qulaity cost means he will use my edge more often I suggest something like this:
quality cost / FS Edge / use of my Edge
60 / 6 / once per run
40 / 4 / once per day
20 / 2 / twice per day
Power Pact
Effect: PC gains use of one Spirit Power
Cost balancing depends on the power, of course, but the full 60 doesn't seem unreasonable. This aside, there should be a rough estimate on how to get rid of the 24h restriction. Maybe something like the buying off a quality mentioned before. This means convincing the GM, that I do not buy the quality, but the payment goes directly to the spirit.
your turn.