Apr 5 2012, 01:10 PM
So, I got back into Missions play after a year-long hiatus.
[its good to be back, btw]
One of my GMs mentioned that certain part s of War had been disallowed from Missions play.
[really hoping my runner's wing suit hasn't been disallowed]
Which got me to wondering >Which books ARE legal sources for SRM players?<
Is there a resources listing somewhere that my search-fu has weakly overlooked?
Hida Tsuzua
Apr 5 2012, 03:15 PM
Right now War! and other books are legal. Typically they become legal about 30 days after release. However, Bull's working on a new FAQ which is meant to cover books like War!. Now when this FAQ will come out, I don't know. My guess right now is "eventually."
Apr 5 2012, 03:53 PM
As a side note, and I need to update the FAQ posts and restart those, we're pushing to do a new FAQ and get it released hopefully prior to the convention season. I drafted Can Ray to help collect data, but since he broke his arm, we haven't really gotten rolling yet.
Apr 5 2012, 04:18 PM
Thanks guys,
I was just looking at some of the extra books out there [Mil Spec Tec, This Old Drone, jet Set, & the like] & didn't know if they were valid resources.
I'll move ahead with my runner updates.
Apr 5 2012, 07:11 PM
Do note that anything labelled "optional rules" is by default off in SRM. So, for example, the entirety of Way of the Adept is out.
Apr 10 2012, 02:57 AM
What's the official stance on German/French content, e.g. the Altmayr SP from the German Arsenal? Are they allowed in Missions?
Apr 15 2012, 03:40 AM
Also, gear from published adventures, is that kosher?
Assuming it has the proper stats, availability, costs, etc. needed to actually be usable outside of the adventure.
Apr 15 2012, 09:06 AM
Elfenlied: unfortunately, no. Missions only uses Catalyst game Labs published products.
Karma: Yes.
And to confirm, it's 30 days after the final release of a product. For print products, this is 30 days after a products in-store street date, not it's PDF release. For PDF-Only products, it's simply 30 days after the PDF is released on the Battleshop and Drive Thru.
Apr 30 2012, 09:23 PM
May I ask if Way of the Adept is legal now?
Apr 30 2012, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (FortMan @ Apr 30 2012, 03:23 PM)

May I ask if Way of the Adept is legal now?
All the non-optional rules in it... sure.
Edit: It's my understanding the whole book is optional in terms of rules.
May 1 2012, 05:08 AM
I've talked to Bull specifically about WotA, and it's verboten. Sorry folks.
May 1 2012, 01:28 PM
Understood. Thank you for you replies guys.
May 2 2012, 02:31 AM
Is there a list of official rulings on ambiguous rules somewhere?
May 2 2012, 05:01 AM
I was supposed to be working on something, then I took an arrow to the elbow.
May 2 2012, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ May 1 2012, 01:08 AM)

I've talked to Bull specifically about WotA, and it's verboten. Sorry folks.
I would point out that the book itself specifically states it's not legal for Missions.
May 2 2012, 05:28 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 15 2012, 04:06 AM)

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Apr 14 2012, 10:40 PM)

Also, gear from published adventures, is that kosher?
Assuming it has the proper stats, availability, costs, etc. needed to actually be usable outside of the adventure.
Karma: Yes.
You know, I was asking because going to have my rigger buy a Aztechnology Huitzilopochtli out of Ghost Cartels, but thinking about it, I will not.
Because quite frankly playing a character running around with 15 vehicular armor on top of the immunity to stun will make many combats distinctly un-fun for both me and any GMs I run across. That thing can take a full on Assault Cannon to the face without a scratch.
And I'm probably going to be sitting at your tables at Origins and I don't want you murdering me.

So I'm stepping down to the Otomo. Which says something if the Otomo is the
downgraded option.
May 5 2012, 01:44 PM
Are martial arts allowed?
I know that the last time I checked they weren't, but then I started running the NYC missions at a convention and I noticed that the Marquee Bouncer in Ready, Set, Gogh! has them.
5 5 5 4 2 3 3 3 5 4 6 10 3
Active Skills: Pistols 4, Perception 3, Shadowing 4, Unarmed Combat
(Kenpo) 5 (7), Dodge 3
Gear: Commlink (Hermes Ikon with Iris Orb), Contacts (with
Smartlink and Image Link)
Adept Powers: Improved Reflexes 2, Combat Sense 2
Qualities: Kenpo (+1 die on melee block), Herding Maneuver
May 5 2012, 09:52 PM
As per the FAQ, Martial Arts are not allowed.
Like Blood Magic and Insect Shamans, there are occasionally things that PCs can't do that NPCs will have. So as a GM, I suggest just rolling with it.
That said, none of the newer Missions have allowed Martial Arts on the NPCs (this one is before my time, so I can't say why the decision to allow it was made, since Martial Arts wasn't allowed in Season 3 either).
Occasionally we'll also do things like have a footnote on an NPC taht will say something like "If you're not using this as part of the official Missions Living Campaign, you can add these optional rules". I believe Critias has done that a couple times for Way of teh Adept abilities... So that if Missions is being used strictly as a home game module, GMs can utilize the optional rules, but for Missions play they have "legal" stat blocks as well.
May 6 2012, 04:05 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ May 6 2012, 07:52 AM)

As per the FAQ, Martial Arts are not allowed.
Like Blood Magic and Insect Shamans, there are occasionally things that PCs can't do that NPCs will have.
May 6 2012, 05:23 AM
NPCs cheat, you haven't learned that yet?
May 6 2012, 07:00 AM
I refuse to do it as a GM and as such I reserve the right to complain about it.
May 6 2012, 07:02 AM
QUOTE (Shortstraw @ May 6 2012, 02:00 AM)

I refuse to do it as a GM and as such I reserve the right to complain about it.
Players cheat.
GMs cheat by having a bigger toybox.
May 6 2012, 07:19 AM
You need new players (and a smaller toybox)
May 6 2012, 09:06 AM
QUOTE (Shortstraw @ May 6 2012, 02:00 AM)

I refuse to do it as a GM and as such I reserve the right to complain about it.
Well, you'll have to cope with Blood Mages and insect Shamans. Those will remain NPC only, and will appear occasionally in missions.

As for the other stuff, like i said, that's why now when they are included in the Mission, they're specifically listed as something only to use in home games if you're using those rules options.
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