The art of making magical potions is as old as magic itself. Today only few traditions, with Wiccan and Hedge Witchcraft being the most prominent, teach enchanting reagents to form powerful spells. In this modern world where time is money, most magicians ignore the time consuming process of cooking potions, although almost any effect achievable through Sorcery can be mimicked via Enchanting.
Game Information
Cooking a potion takes a time equal to the spell's desired force in hours and uses up reagents similar to ritual magic and spirit binding. At the end, the cook makes an Enchanting test as if it were a spellcasting test (including modifiers from totems, etc) to conclude the spell's hits and takes appropriate drain. One can cook up a spell potion by its formula alone without actually knowing the spell, though crafting an unknown spell into a potion imposes a hefty -4 modifier. Preparing multiple doses however, is just a matter of using multiple ingredients and a bigger cauldron, but will increase drain by one per additional dose.
Making multiple different potions at a time is possible, so it causes a modifier of -2 per additional potion to each Enchanting test due to the spread focus an enchanter has to deal with. Here, cooking time equals the highest spell force. Once finished, properly stored in a fridge, a potion's shlef life is (Magic) days. Afterwards or after taken out of the fridge they render useless after (Magic) hours. At the GMs discretion, high force potions may need exotic reagents.
Potion formulae are similar to spell formulae and translating one into another is an Arcana+Logic (10, 1 day) test.
Potions are supposed to be drunken, but sometimes this might not be possible. If applied in a form other than through ingestion, reduce the potion's Force (and possibly hits) by two. Attacking with a potion is an Exotic Ranged Weapon (Potion Spilling) Test. Potions can also be delivered via capsule rounds and the like. Drinking a potion takes a simple action, and the effect kicks in at the end of the combat turn.
If the spell's effect is neither instant nor permanent, but sustainable, the magician need not sustain it, but the spell looses one point of force per minute.
Potion Addiction
The access to magic can be tempting for mundane. However, uncontrolled and repeated use of magic and its sheer power can make mundane addictive and longing for more.
Treat potions as a mental addiction with a threshold according to the potion addiction table. This should only be applied after repetitive, willing use.
Potion Addiction Table
Force | Addiction Threshold
1-2 | 1
3-4 | 2
5+ | 3
Potion Mastery
A Potion Master's knowledge allows him to modify potion formulae for potions to sustain themselves. Upfront the cooking, make an Arcana+Logic (2) test and apply IG as a positive modifier. The Potion will then sustain itself for a number of hours equal to the net hits achieved. You may apply this modification each time you start cooking, or can jsut use an already modified formula.
Advanced Metamagic
Shielding Elixir
Prerequisite: Shielding, Potion Mastery
A highly advanced potion maker may try to brew spell defenses. Apply the rules for making potions normaly, but use the net hits on a Counterspelling + Magic + initiate grade (2) test for the potion's force. Drinking this potion applies a spell defense equal to the potion's force.
Optional Rule: Aid Potion Making
As with Aid Sorcery, bound spirits may aid with the potion making process appropriate for their spell category.
New Gear
While there are several magical suppliers in your neighbourhood, you won't find magical potions advertised on a big scale. Short shelf life and the need for highly trained enchanters reduce availabilty to a minimum of standard potions, like healing potions. The use of these substances is also highly regulated and most are strictely forbidden to be sold to citizens, however you will probably get a hold of almost anything on the black market. Once you got ahold of the necessary licences, you should be able to aquire some contract work. Be aware of days to weeks waiting time! So plan in advance.
Besides legal and illegal channels, with the reight connection, you might obtain some leftovers from your local special forces unit. Firewatch regularly uses shielding elixiers and rumours have it the Tir Ghosts have a steady supply of invisibility potions. These groups can obviously afford their very own potion maker.
Combat Spell Potion (Force x 10)F Force x 8,000¥
Detection Spell Potion (Force x 5)R Force x 4,000¥
Health Spell Potion (Force x 5)R Force x 4,000¥
Illusion Spell Potion (Force x 6)F Force x 6,000¥
Manipulation Spell Potion (Force x 6)F Force x 6,000¥
Shielding Elixir (Force x 12)R Force x 10,000¥
Detection Spell Potion (Force x 5)R Force x 4,000¥
Health Spell Potion (Force x 5)R Force x 4,000¥
Illusion Spell Potion (Force x 6)F Force x 6,000¥
Manipulation Spell Potion (Force x 6)F Force x 6,000¥
Shielding Elixir (Force x 12)R Force x 10,000¥
Edit1: comments about shelf life aknowledged
Edit2: Shielding added, limitation for unknow spells, Aid potion making
Edit3: Potion Addiction
Edit4: Gear aded, drain increased