Apr 27 2012, 10:19 AM
We're currently doing a run where we're trying to smuggle guns through Aztlan to Yucatan rebels (I know, it's ridiculously dangerous and we're not being paid enough). I've been reading the 6th World Almanac but there isn't much on Yucatan and the conflict. tried War! but that doesn't mention it either. Where would I get some good background on the Yucatan/Aztlan conflict and the current situation in Yucatan?
Apr 27 2012, 10:54 AM
I want to say that the Yucatan Conflict starts in
Year of the Comet and works its way through other books around that period - I know that
Dragons of the Sixth World mentions it, and I want to say the same for
State of the Art 2063 / 64.
The end result - as well as great write-ups of both Aztlan and the Yucatan Peninsula - can be read in the compiled
Shadows of Latin America.
Apr 27 2012, 02:04 PM
That's awesome, cheers. I've heard it mentioned before but never really knew what it was. I'll give it a good read.
Apr 30 2012, 03:27 AM
Nigel Findley's Aztlan Sourcebook is circa 2056, so it's not much help... but it does give a lot of the background that leads into the rebellion.
I believe you will find the section on Hualpa (Dragons of the Sixth World pp.83) helpful. On pp. 91 there's a brief on the rebellion (and Hualpa's part in it).
Apr 30 2012, 10:38 AM
Findley's Aztlan is good - a little scatterbrained, but good. I found the Aztlan section of SoLA a very good distilled version of what Findley wrote, honestly, with some plot moved forward.
...now that I think about it, there's an interview at the very beginning of Findley's Aztlan that's set at about the point the conflict started up, and features an interview between Hualpa and a reporter.
Apr 30 2012, 05:15 PM
I thought Pobre was Dzibaltchen. The Pyramid finally caught the wyrm.
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