Ok, here is my interpretation:
The entrance is made up like an airlock, for a space station or something of the like. Bright, white-ish, think Star Wars, that rebel ship that gets boarded in the beginning.
The bouncers are usually either BBT (Big Bad Troll), or MLD (Mean Little Dwarf). Both are nasty fellows, but at least they wear good clothes.
Once inside, you walk through a weapons scanner (rating 5, if it's important) and will be asked to check all weapons at the checkroom, where you'll get an RFID-tagged plastic chip in return.
Magical first comers will have a short word with an albino woman, dressed in white leathers. Tall, lean, red eyes, short white hair.
After you exit the 'airlock' you stand on the moonscape first floor. Uneven floor, pockmarked by micrometeorite impacts, ceiling dotted with stars. The dancefloor is in a larger crater in the center of the room with a primitive-looking, bare metal stage (made famous by the one and only Concrete Dreams gig

) on the rim of the crater, towards the left wall, with backstage entries. A bit further towards the entry is a corridor that leads to the toilets, a private (and locked) door upstairs to the owner's office and another private (and locked) door to the backstage area, with a few rooms for clandestine meetings. The corridor has the same 'moon rock' surface as the rest of the first floor, but with additional metal grating over it. This metal grating repeats itself in the two bar areas (one immediately to the right after leaving the airlock, the other on the opposite wall) and in the alcoves on the right and opposite wall. These alcoves are the only locations where you can sit on the first floor, apart from a few bar stools
The tables and benches in the alcoves are designed as space shuttle seats and similar space ship interior, as well as both bars.
A few standing tables are placed around the dance floor.
There's another short corridor on the right wall, with a metal grating staircase leading to the second floor, a gallery overlooking the first floor through spaceship window frames (no glass, though). Here, you can get small snacks, mostly soy and sit around tables, similar in design to the ones in the alcoves on the first floor.
Basically, that's it.
A few of my regular NPCs there:
Jono (Jonesy Warner), the elven barkeeper on the bar right at the entrance. He has hollow eyes and is not the best looking elf, but he's a wizard with the bottles and makes mean cocktails
Cathy (Donovan, but no one knows her last name), human fixer with a datajack as her only apparent cyberware. Assensing her will reveal high quality headware, a bit of bioware and an artificial left leg. Brown, shoulderlength hair, good looking, even if she's pushing 40. She wears mostly armoured leather pants and jacket and has, in case something goes wrong, a savalette guardian hidden in her leg.
She's famous in the sprawl, has international contacts, a good rapport with the club-owner (Kevin Hokama) and is know to broker jobs and that she can get you a lot of equipment (usually no 'ware, but everything else is fair game, with 10-20% added to the listed price). In game terms, she's a light pacifist, is very perceptive with an analytical mind, comes across as very amiable (first impression

) and has a black market pipeline. Details from her past are erased, but she got her start as a small time runner before changing to the fixer business via her father's connections.
She usually sits in one of the alcoves on the right wall and is accompanied by a black ork with dreadlocks, her bodyguard.
He's another Jono (Carlysle), 2nd generation runner and adept with a close combat focus and brutal punches (Mystical Armour, Spellresistance, no boosted reflexes). He's actually really nice, but doesn't show it. His job is to impress and intimidate people and he can do this fairly well.