QUOTE (Speed Wraith @ Jul 9 2012, 07:55 AM)

I'd like to think the word is, "homage". At least, that's how I've always perceived Gibson's rather obvious and inescapable influence on Shadowrun.
I was just pointing out how many things are taken directly from his books, not just the general idea. It wasn't just the cyberpunk/decking idea. I don't think Gibson was overly arrogant by saying they stole his ideas and mixed them with Tolkien's. He then said it didn't offend him, so I don't think he was angry, and if you read further into the interview I think that is more evident that he does not hate Shadowrun for "stealing" his ideas, but I get the impression that he thinks elves, trolls and magic are stupid, and that is his problem with Shadowrun. And that the XBox game sucked too.
QUOTE (Speed Wraith @ Jul 9 2012, 07:55 AM)

"It isn't going to be as good as the book"
It's hard to fit all the details of a book into a 90-120 minute movie, or to fit certain details in and make it make sense, so I give them some room to make cuts and edits, but I do hate when they hack and change important details and characters. What pisses me off the most is when they completely change the end or plot to make it Hollywood, hip or more easily understandable for the moronic masses. That is when I want to stab myself in the eyes with my Twizzlers.