I very much like the mechanics of Reputation - not that they're perfect, but as good as an abstract system needs to be. However, the Notoriety rules seem to be trying to represent two non-complimentary things at once. On the one hand Notoriety represents the social effect of being reprehensible and untrustworthy, but on ther other the social effect of being incompetent and unreliable. In terms of people wanting to do things for you or work alongside you (whereby Notoriety negatively augments Street Cred) this is not a concern, but when using your reputation for intimidation purposes (whereby the effect is positive) it doesn't scan right. Gaining an Intimidation bonus through a reputation for being a clutz does not work for me.
The quick solution is to remove the Intimidation bonus, but I would rather keep it - I like that Reputation has this mechanical effect and without it Street Cred and Notoriety are more or less two numbers where one would do.
I am considering the following changes to the Quality effects on Reputation in my games and would like to see DS' thoughts and contentions.
First, some qualities will affect Street Cred instead of Notoriety, thus distinguishing between those that are always a bonus/penalty and those that are flipped when using Intimidation.
Second, here is what I want to do with the current list of (dis)Reputable Qualities:
Blandness - leave as -ve to N(otoriety)
First Impression - leave as -ve to N
Lucky - shouldn't impair Intimidation, so make it +ve to S(treet Cred)
Addiction - should always be bad, so -ve to S
Bad Luck - should always be bad, so -ve to S
Combat Paralysis - should always be bad, so -ve to S
Elf Poser - should always be bad, but not really serious enough so remove
Gremlins - should always be bad, so -ve to S
Incompetent - An inability in one singular skill (usually unrelated to your speciality) is too minor so remove
Infirm - should always be bad, so -ve to S
Ork Poser - See Elf Poser
Scorched - who's going to care that much? Remove
Sinner (Criminal) - apt so leave as +ve to N
Spirit Bane - too minor to concern Rep so remove
Uncouth - not relevant enough, remove
Uneducated - barely relevant at all, remove
Enemy - apt so leave as +ve to N
Bad Rep - perfectly apt so leave as +3 to N
Liar - should always be bad, so -ve to S (using the same special condition)
Third, here are the additional Qualities I would like to affect Reputation:
+ve to S
-ve to S
Mental Handicap
Poor Self Control - Braggart, Thrillseeker, Compulsive
+ve to N
Multiple Personality Disorder
Evil Twin
Made Man
Poor Self Control - Vindictive, Combat Monster
-ve to N
Mistaken Identity
I also looked at lifestyle qualities being included, but couldn't justify enough of them to bother with it.
It should be noted that this would enable a negative Street Cred. I would be fine with this except that, as per RAW, a negative Reputation modifier after Notoriety is factored in counts as 0. I.e. a negative Street Cred simply means a lot more work is required to get a bonus some day.
There are quite a lot of Street Cred modifying Qualities, but I don't consider sheer volume an issue since Qualities are capped at chargen and Street Cred is capped by Charisma. However, if one took a generous view nearly all the Qualities could be put in one or another of these lists but I think that would cheapen the Reputation stats and possibly overshadow the other ways of gaining Street Cred and Notoriety. I therefore took a more stringent approach, but possibly too much or not enough.
So, thoughts and suggestions warmly welcomed.