Sep 22 2012, 02:44 PM
Couldnt find this talked about anywhere and didnt know if I should post this in the chummer thread or not, but figured this was the better option.
Have you ever thought, Nebular, of taking Chummer mobile? RPG apps are huge in my group (and I know many others) and Chummer would be a great addition to that market. I know it's a .net framework program and have no idea if that would be prohibitive towards making it apple-device compatible, but it might be worth looking in to.
Sid Nitzerglobin
Sep 22 2012, 05:31 PM
I heard reports from a fellow player in one of my games that there's already an app out there on Android market that will read/display/work with .chum files. Haven't checked it out so I'm not sure how fully functional it is though. If there was a full version of Chummer that was platform agnostic I'd probably be buying an Android tablet immediately.
Sep 22 2012, 07:16 PM
QUOTE (Sid Nitzerglobin @ Sep 22 2012, 12:31 PM)

I heard reports from a fellow player in one of my games that there's already an app out there on Android market that will read/display/work with .chum files. Haven't checked it out so I'm not sure how fully functional it is though. If there was a full version of Chummer that was platform agnostic I'd probably be buying an Android tablet immediately.
It's called "Mobile Runner." It's reasonably good, from the little I've used.
Sep 22 2012, 08:04 PM
QUOTE (lorechaser @ Sep 22 2012, 12:16 PM)

It's called "Mobile Runner." It's reasonably good, from the little I've used.
Nice! That's a start I suppose.
Sep 22 2012, 10:02 PM
I have a character tracking app for Windows Phone that I planned on adding importing of .chum files, it just hasn't been implemented yet.
Although, I'm not sure how it is going to be handled since the eventual goal is to allow players to connect to 'games' their GMs set-up, which will allow the GM to track everyone's stats and make changes, which would be pushed to the user. I suppose I could make it so that anytime a change is made to a character in my app it would update the .chum file, that way it stayed up to date.
My main concern is whether my app would actually get any use from anyone other than me since Windows Phone doesn't have a large market share.
Here's a link if there happens to be any Windows Phone users on here....
http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/ap...06-ec5423f4c563Also, there's an update (version 1.0.1) that improves the usability considerably that is going to Microsoft certification right now, should post in a few days.
Sep 23 2012, 03:17 AM
Whenever I'd use mobile runner to load chummer files from my dropbox, I always end up with empty characters.
Sep 23 2012, 03:18 PM
"Mobile Runner" is a start, but IŽd like my Android Smartphone to create&manage my characters, not only display them or throw some digital dice...
We NEED ChummerMobile!
Sep 23 2012, 06:40 PM
Yeah, I'd want the create functionality most in a mobile app. Although the connecting to GM set up sounds nice for when a player has to bail on a session, you could still have his char. there as an NPC if needed.
Ever since I discovered Chummer though, I've been playing with build ideas constantly. And I don't want to stop when I have to leave the vicinity of my PC!
Sep 23 2012, 07:46 PM
I've already added Mobile Runner to my phone but I've not really used it yet but a full chummer app would be nice.
I've actually thought about getting back into programming to learn how to program android to try and build one.
Sep 23 2012, 11:47 PM
depends on what would run it, but i like the idea, lets me keep my characters to hand at all times
Sep 24 2012, 03:12 PM
While it may be usefull, I'm using a laptop for that, so it's not a priority. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Nebular said that he doesn't plan to port chummer to any other system (MacOS, Android, whatever). And that was before his new job that obviously is keeping him much more busy than before. So ... I wouldn't count too much on that. ^^
Sep 28 2012, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Sep 24 2012, 09:12 AM)

While it may be usefull, I'm using a laptop for that, so it's not a priority.
Look, I don't know you, ChatNoir, so if you write the code for Nebular or are some other way associated with Chummer or something, please don't take this the wrong way, but: who gives a flying f#$% if it's not a priority for
There is definitely a market for it, it's something that money could be charged for very easily if it helps grease the wheels. I'd pay a couple bucks for Chummer Mobile, and I bet a lot of other people would too.
I understand if Nebular has a new job, and if it's not a priority for
him, cool. Forget it.
But you speak for you. And you are just one person. So, thanks for your opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a consumer base for Chummer Mobile.
Sid Nitzerglobin
Sep 28 2012, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (emsquared @ Sep 28 2012, 04:00 PM)

I'd pay a couple bucks for Chummer Mobile, and I bet a lot of other people would too.
^This. Probably more than a couple in fact...
The only problem w/ charging for it is working out the potential for a Cease and Desist order (or other more aggressive legal wranglings) from CGL.
Sep 28 2012, 11:01 PM
Eh, what Neb would really be selling is a quick and dirty little VB based game that he coded in an hour or so. However, as an added bonus, you also gain access to Chummer mobile.

But, in all seriousness, considering what I spent on Hero Labs (and haven't actually used for my meat game, since it just doesn't do stuff in what seems like a sensible fashion, and I
HATE their character sheets) I'd be more than willing to throw an Andrew Jackson into the tip jar. Actually, been meaning to buy Nebular a six pack anyways, better rustle up my paypal account.
Sep 29 2012, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (emsquared @ Sep 28 2012, 05:00 PM)

..., but: who gives a flying f#$% if it's not a priority for you?
There is definitely a market for it, it's something that money could be charged for very easily if it helps grease the wheels. I'd pay a couple bucks for Chummer Mobile, and I bet a lot of other people would too.
I understand if Nebular has a new job, and if it's not a priority for him, cool. Forget it.
But you speak for you. And you are just one person. So, thanks for your opinion, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a consumer base for Chummer Mobile.
I believe he did speak for himself and you jumped all over him for it, then tell him to speak for himself??? Why not take the hardcore mode off and let people express their opinions, which by the way is what a poll is.
Sep 29 2012, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (forgarn @ Sep 29 2012, 12:59 PM)

I believe he did speak for himself and you jumped all over him for it, then tell him to speak for himself??? Why not take the hardcore mode off and let people express their opinions, which by the way is what a poll is.
I don't think I did jump all over him. He made a unilateral statement, and I debunked it. To say it's not a priority is nonsensical unless he is somehow involved in the project. If he said, "I use a laptop for that, so I don't really care if Neb makes one or not" I wouldn't have said anything. But he made it sound like he had some authority on the issue, or like his opinion was more important than the 30 other people who've voted that think it SHOULD be a priority. Which if he does, cool, if he doesn't, he needs to rethink how he asserts his opinion. That's all.
Sep 29 2012, 11:40 PM
You asked in _your_ poll for a few options and opinions. ChatNoir stated that it isn't a personal priority (as in: s/he does not need it) in answer to _your_ question. The posting also reiterated something that Nebular stated himself, presumably in order to be helpful to you, this being your first posting on this forum here and no one expects you to read a 48 pages thread in its entirety.
So yeah. Your reply comes across as kind of aggressive. Maybe you misunderstood, as I did not read it the way you apparently did. So maybe you need to take a step back and rethink how you react to someone giving his opinion (which btw does not come across as anything other than this, to me) if _you_ asked for it. That's all.
Sep 30 2012, 12:30 AM
QUOTE (emsquared @ Sep 28 2012, 03:00 PM)

Look, I don't know you, ChatNoir, so if you write the code for Nebular or are some other way associated with Chummer or something, please don't take this the wrong way, but: who gives a flying f#$% if it's not a priority for you?
See this, this right here, is asinine, you put up a poll asking a question and jump someone's shit because they have an answer different then the one you want.
Sep 30 2012, 04:14 PM
Well, I don't know you either and I can't say I unhappy about it.
But I'm happy to see that at least some people understood what I meant. Just to be sure I'll do it again : I do use Chummer on a laptop when playing so I can also check pdf sourcebooks, send private message to the GM or other players, and ton of other stuff. So for ME it's not a priority.
Now, if you do not want people having a different opinion than yours express it in your topic, you had to say it right away.
Oct 1 2012, 01:53 AM
QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Sep 24 2012, 07:12 AM)

While it may be usefull, "I'm" using a laptop for that, so it's not a priority. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Nebular said that he doesn't plan to port chummer to any other system (MacOS, Android, whatever). And that was before his new job that obviously is keeping him much more busy than before. So ... I wouldn't count too much on that. ^^
Yup... I take it as already referring to himself
Oct 1 2012, 02:55 AM
Well, sucks realizing something you'd really like to happen, isn't gonna happen. I probably lashed out inappropriately cause Chat had shat on my hopes most directly. Sorry, at the time I didn't feel like I was being any more negative than him/her, but that was probably the rage thinking.
Oct 2 2012, 12:11 AM
We are all human and all make mistakes.
We learn, get over it and move on.
And I'm sure someone will actually program chummer for android eventually. Until then there is Mobile Runner.
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