Howdy folks,
Edit: I'm the GM for this game, and am designing this for one of the players in the group.
So, due to my group's mage dying off and being replaced with a more street-sammy type, I've decided that the anti-aug paraplegic ex-lawyer in my group is going to start awakening mid game. He's a hilarious rip off of Archer, who routinely lets it drop that he's a lawyer/shadowrunner/prophet of his chosen religion of the week.
I want to design a tradition off of the religion of the week concept. I'm thinking he resists drain with Wil/Charisma, and has an automatic geas to all abilities that he has to engage in some ridiculous misinterpretation of their rites to cast a spell.
The kicker is that I want his spell choices/powers to vary by what religion he's currently observing. My thoughts are that he'll awaken as a mystic adept, with a total magic score of four. The various religions will effect where his points are spent and such.
One example:
The Force - Believes in the Force. Has to wear a cobbled together Jedi robe and use a flashlight to point at people he's casting spells at.
Magic Assignment: Adept 2 Magician 2
Spells known: Magic fingers, improved reflexes, stun bolt, some equiv. of force persuade
Abilities: Great leap...some others, not sure what yet
Ideally, I'd like to cobble together about twelve of these, based on very superficial research of the religion in question. If you don't feel comfortable posting them due to possibly offending someone, you're more than welcome to PM them to me and I'll post them myself without letting on who wrote it. This is one of those things that I think other characters could potentially use in the future for hilarious results.