QUOTE (Udoshi @ Nov 7 2012, 05:49 PM)
I want to see the rest of these changes.
Context matters.
If you're restructuring all the options to be better, then its important to judge all the changes as a whole and see if anything stands out as being too powerful AFTER the dust has settled.
Indeed, once I have the bulk of it I'll post them here. But even posting the Magic stuff has been instructive.
In general:
- Cyberlimbs and some other 'ware have their Essence costs reduced. Cyberlimbs, for instance, are halved as well as some of their nuyen costs. We like chrome.
- Can "buy" one Initiative Pass (to get 2 IPs) with Karma. Still not set. Not determined if stackable with Magic or Tech, probably not.
- BP/Karma cost of Forms reduced. Some nerfing of Threading (like thread infinity times until you get what you want).
- Heavy Weapons are buffed. Battle Rifles are moved to Heavy Weapons.
- SnS deals the damage of the weapon firing it, as Stun and Electric. To affect drones and so on, the damage must beat the OR.
- Flechette ammo induces bleeding: if Physical damage is dealt to the target, and it can bleed, the target suffers damage per combat turn until stabilized.
- Recoil Compensation from Strength: Brackets are now 5-7, 8-10, 11+ to receive RC of 1, 2, 3 naturally.
Optional-May swap out Leadership for Intimidation for the Social Skill Group.
Optional-May swap out one Stealth skill for Escape Artist.
Clubs, Blades, Unarmed, Improvised - New Close Combat Skill Group
Martial Arts: New MA styles, including some sword styles and so on. New MA Maneuvers as well.
I have never played at a table where Ritual Spellcasting, Banishing, Binding, Arcana or Enchanting was not used. Ever.
Well, I have. And so have these guys. In fact, I believe the few times these skills were used were because I used them years ago. Like when SM was new. I think I used Enchanting to hunt for telesma...
To encourage their use, tell the players that they will be used. Let the players expect that Banishing and Ritual Spellcasting may make things easier, and let the players decide how far they'll take your advice. Simply thrusting options on PCs who may not want said options is not, in my opinion, the way to go.
Generally, however, when something is not worth the BP/karma, then it simply is not worth the BP/Karma, regardless. Some other examples would include Common Sense, Inspired, or Hung Out to Dry. Or gnomes.
You're right, of course. But it seems... sucky to require someone to have very niche skills, especially in a BP/Karma heavy type like a Mage. Binding is powerful, but Banishing? Shooting the Spirit or casting a spell often works out better. Now if it's just nearly the same as Counterspell, the penalty isn't set in stone, then by gosh I'll give that a try.
This is, in general, meant to be both a "new thing" for old hats and some eye-openers. I want them to try it out, and make it easy to do so. If it sucks and fails, then so be it, I'll try again.