Mar 28 2013, 11:49 PM
So...this program is awesome!
I'm trying to work with my S3 (Mobile Runner) but I can't get it to fully populate all the tabs (contacts, gear, etc). It works for all the files I download but not my own!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apr 4 2013, 12:00 PM
Hi Sol
First guess: You tried to download the file from a cloud service e.g. Dropbox. If so, it could be possible that you didn't used the correct url and downloaded the login interface of the service instead of the correct file. So please check out if you use the correct URL. If so and the error still occurs please send me the .chum file to the email address given in the About page.
Apr 4 2013, 12:38 PM
there's a Mobile version of Chummer ? or is OP confusing me here ?
Apr 4 2013, 02:06 PM
There's an app called mobile runner for iOS and Android, which can open .chum xml files. It has a few bugs, and the author is someone from the Pegasus forums, IIRC (I'm guessing he's called Buccaneer here

Apr 4 2013, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (bannockburn @ Apr 4 2013, 03:06 PM)

There's an app called mobile runner for iOS and Android, which can open .chum xml files. It has a few bugs, and the author is someone from the Pegasus forums, IIRC (I'm guessing he's called Buccaneer here

oh, mobile Runner .. not mobile chummer .. damn

I tried that .. but for me it's easier to just print a chummer file to HTML and open it on mobile browser.
gaming on a tablet / phone is something I have considered but the constant pencil strokes and erasing is something pen & paper does perfectly

call me old
Apr 15 2013, 07:44 PM
Mobile runner for ipad is basically a dice roller.
The ipad version does not seem to open chummer files.
I really wished there was a chummer ipad or android version.
The directions to upload files is terrible.
Finally was able to load characters on it, its ok, not as good as the chummer character sheet.
I finally had to use dropbox, then share the file, take the url, and put into character download, then it works.
Apr 22 2013, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (Jyster @ Apr 15 2013, 09:44 PM)

The directions to upload files is terrible.
As english is not my mother tongue my wording might be a little bit complicated.
Feel free to contribute a better wording
Apr 24 2013, 12:01 AM
After the installation of Mobile Runner, you should find a folder called "mobileRunner" on your memory card. If you copy your .chum file there, it should be listed.
So how do you do this on an iPad?
Apr 24 2013, 12:23 AM
QUOTE (Jyster @ Apr 24 2013, 02:01 AM)

So how do you do this on an iPad?
Unfortunately, you don't.
In other apps like this you can use the file-sharing option of iTunes, but in Mobile Runner, this isn't available.
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