Jun 9 2013, 02:58 AM
Because I know a few people have been waiting for these for a while, the second of our CMP compilations (The first was
Elven Blood) will
hopefully be available at Origins as a limited run print book. It will also be released as a PDF probably shortly after the convention.
Sprawl Wilds collects the first four 2010 Convention adventures:
Carbon Copy (Which is sorta new, in that's it's actually a sequel to Copycat Killer),
Manhunt, and
Humanitarian Aid (The prequel adventure to SRM 04-08 Reomero & Juliette).
I'm not certain of the price point yet, and depending on sales (and whether or not they make the show at all) there may be some available at Gen Con as well.
Oh, and they're Dual-Statted for both SR4 and SR5.

Jun 9 2013, 02:19 PM
I want... but attending Origins and/or Gen Con is just a no go

I hope you have way to many, and end up selling them either through my FLGS or through Battleshop
Jun 10 2013, 11:50 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 9 2013, 04:58 AM)

Carbon Copy (Which is sorta new, in that's it's actually a sequel to Copycat Killer)
I thought that
SRM04-05: On a Silver Platter was the sequel to
CMP2010-02: Copycat Killer, or it that information wrong?
Jun 10 2013, 01:14 PM
QUOTE (Larsine @ Jun 10 2013, 07:50 AM)

I thought that SRM04-05: On a Silver Platter was the sequel to CMP2010-02: Copycat Killer, or it that information wrong?
It is. This is... Another sequel, going in another direction. It's an interesting idea.
Even though the adventures aren't really connected, it was decided to keep the first four 2010 CMPs together. However, since Copycat Killer had already been released, we had to do something different so that folks didn't feel like they buying an adventure they already got (EVen if they got it for free the first time). So Rob McKittrick took the original adventure and did a massive revamp of it. There's still a similar underlying structure to the adventure, but it's also completely different in many ways so that even if you played the original, it's worth playing this one. Moreso, actually, since it does directly follow up on that one (Just a couple years later). It also ties it into one of the new SR5 plots we have going on, in a very loose way. (And yes, that was intentionally vague and cryptic

I will say this. I'm really, really nervous to see what sort of game feedback and results we get from this, but there is a potential outcome that, well, makes me nervous.

Jun 11 2013, 09:47 AM
Get it out as a PDF and you'll get your feedback ASAP
Jun 14 2013, 11:32 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 9 2013, 04:58 AM)

Humanitarian Aid (The prequel adventure to SRM 04-08 Reomero & Juliette).
SRM04-08 is called
Brothers United.
SRM04-10 is the real
Romero and Juliette (not Reomero).
Jun 15 2013, 05:17 AM
Since these missions are duel-statted, does that mean they are Kosher for either season 4 or season 5 missions play?
Jun 15 2013, 01:06 PM
QUOTE (Larsine @ Jun 14 2013, 07:32 AM)

SRM04-08 is called Brothers United.
SRM04-10 is the real Romero and Juliette (not Reomero).
yeah yeah. Like I can remember the numbers for all my Missions. I'm hip deep in plotting out and editing and assigning writers and etc for 15 new missions.

Plus con prepping

And yes, they're kosher for Season 4 play if you want to extend your Season 4 adventures.
Jun 18 2013, 07:28 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 15 2013, 03:06 PM)

yeah yeah. Like I can remember the numbers for all my Missions. I'm hip deep in plotting out and editing and assigning writers and etc for 15 new missions.

Plus con prepping

Just shout if you need any proofreading on those missions. I'm done with SR5 and just waiting for the next assignment
Jun 19 2013, 06:54 AM
Just as a heads up... I believe the PDF should be getting posted sometime in the near future, but don't have an exact date.
However! I found out that this isn't just a convention exclusive. It will be shipping to game stores! So woohoo!
Jul 2 2013, 08:32 PM
When will CDT Agents be able to get a copy?
Jul 2 2013, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Jul 2 2013, 04:32 PM)

When will CDT Agents be able to get a copy?
Don't know, but guessing probably not for free since this is a print release. But you should be able to use a PDF credit on it, assuming you have some stockpiled like most CDT agents
Jul 2 2013, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 2 2013, 02:37 PM)

Don't know, but guessing probably not for free since this is a print release. But you should be able to use a PDF credit on it, assuming you have some stockpiled like most CDT agents

That's what I was hoping you'd say...

Been trying to snag a copy of Humanitarian Aid before I get around to running Romero and Juliette to close out Y4 missions in the Chicago area... Be nice to be able to torture my con's players with it
Jul 12 2013, 02:09 PM
Hi Bull!
Quick question. Can we run these compilation modules and apply the karma/nuyen towards season 5 characters?
Jul 12 2013, 03:18 PM
QUOTE (j2klbs @ Jul 12 2013, 09:09 AM)

Hi Bull!
Quick question. Can we run these compilation modules and apply the karma/nuyen towards season 5 characters?
I'm not Bull, but I can confirm Bull has answered yes elsewhere. That was a big part of why they got statted for SR5.
Our group will be playing the first mission tomorrow night. Characters are ready to go.
Jul 12 2013, 04:06 PM
Thanks Ricochet!

Jul 15 2013, 06:29 PM
I should probably apologize in advance for the newbie question, but I'm not sure how this book fits into the Missions framework.
As I understand it, each "season" has 20 or so chapters (4-hour chunks). Is Sprawl Wilds a compilation of some of those chunks? All of those chunks? Why wouldn't I just go download the season 4 pdf's (unless they aren't available anymore)?
I haven't played Shadowrun Missions at all, and am wondering how this all fits.
Jul 15 2013, 06:49 PM
Sprawl Wilds is a collection of 4 convention-only Missions that are otherwise unavailable for regular purchase or download.
Convention Mission Packs (CMP) are more or less standalone from Season 4, and have mostly independant storylines that often take the runners all over the world.
In this specifc case, though, the four Missions collected are set in the Sprawl.
Jul 15 2013, 08:05 PM
Pretty much what Karma said.
The CMP adventures are "Side Quests" or side stories your character can get involved with. It's like an episode of, say, Buffy where an episode is just about going off and killing/beating/stopping some Monster of the Week, and isn't tied to the core plotline.
Jul 15 2013, 08:07 PM
Also, the early ones were pretty stand-alone. Though one of the Sprawl Wilds adventures does serve as a sequel to a Season 4 Mission (SRM 04-05: On a Silver Platter).
Later ones started to run in short 4-mission "themes". The Elven Blood compilation, for example, is all set in the Tir. There's a set of adventures set in London that we ran last year. This year we have the Dragon's Song series, which is actually a cohesive mini-plot, and Dangerous Games, which are one-shots set in Cal Free.
Jul 22 2013, 07:55 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 15 2013, 03:07 PM)

Also, the early ones were pretty stand-alone. Though one of the Sprawl Wilds adventures does serve as a sequel to a Season 4 Mission (SRM 04-05: On a Silver Platter).
Later ones started to run in short 4-mission "themes". The Elven Blood compilation, for example, is all set in the Tir. There's a set of adventures set in London that we ran last year. This year we have the Dragon's Song series, which is actually a cohesive mini-plot, and Dangerous Games, which are one-shots set in Cal Free.
One thing Sprawl Wilds has done for me is wish that season 4 could be statted for SR5. I love the Seattle setting, and I'm just not sure playing in Chicago will be the same. (Of course, none of the convention missions have anything to do with Chicago anyway it sounds like. Looking forward to seeing dangerous games part 1 at GenCon.)
Jul 24 2013, 02:43 PM
So as I understand it, the adventures in Sprawl Wilds are only legal for SR4 Missions play and NOT SR5 Missions?
The Masked Ferret
Jul 24 2013, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (Trexnco @ Jul 24 2013, 09:43 AM)

So as I understand it, the adventures in Sprawl Wilds are only legal for SR4 Missions play and NOT SR5 Missions?
No, they are legal for SR5 missions.
Jul 25 2013, 01:06 AM
Either or, since they're statted for both.
Aug 1 2013, 10:48 PM
Hmmmmm this gives me something more to run for an SR5 group, excellent.
Aug 29 2013, 08:13 PM
So we have played through the book and have found it to be fairly challenging. A question arose in Ashes.
The Immolation effect is unclear. Is it meant to destroy all of the pertinent gear, or is the gear salvageable?
Sep 1 2013, 05:05 AM
i'm no one official, but thermite charges are kind of like portable cremations. Maybe the rifles were dropped or knocked clear. maybe.
The Masked Ferret
Sep 1 2013, 10:57 AM
I ruled that it meant the person and his gear were all burnt up. Not salvageable.
Sep 2 2013, 07:39 PM
QUOTE (PittsburghRPGA @ Aug 31 2013, 10:05 PM)

i'm no one official, but thermite charges are kind of like portable cremations. Maybe the rifles were dropped or knocked clear. maybe.
QUOTE (The Masked Ferret @ Sep 1 2013, 03:57 AM)

I ruled that it meant the person and his gear were all burnt up. Not salvageable.
So is this what was done at the tables you played/judged?
The Masked Ferret
Sep 3 2013, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (Daedelus @ Sep 2 2013, 03:39 PM)

So is this what was done at the tables you played/judged?
Yes, that is what I did. The players were fine with it. In fact, the technomancer set off one of the charges himself.
Sep 5 2013, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (Daedelus @ Sep 2 2013, 02:39 PM)

So is this what was done at the tables you played/judged?
I haven't run it yet, and depending on how much gear the runners have, I'll consider letting perhaps half of the rifles be dropped clear. There aren't a lot of Season 5's available yet, so the chances for a lot of the local folks to have looted any foes has been pretty low. All of the rest of these foes' gear is trashed, so even then, it's low loot compared to what folks expected out of Season 4. That said, if by the time I run this, if all of the PC's have had a chance to pick up an assault rifle prior to this Mission, I'll just let the rifles be destroyed.
Would love to have a chance to play it as a Season 4 Mission though since I played the other Missions in this theme with her.
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