Jul 15 2013, 07:25 PM
So on Friday I posted a form-fillable character sheet over on the Shadowrun Universe forums, and today I am posting it here.
Original ThreadDirect Download V1Direct Download V2 (self-calculates some values)Direct Download V2.1 (adds more space for spells, adept powers, and vehicles on third page)Direct Download V2.2 (calculated initiative, prettier text on p. 3)Direct Download 2.5a (Essence calculations from cyberware, more space to put other stuff, calculated attributes on third page)Character Sheet Page (Contains all versions and descriptions)Sources and Tutorial (to make your own!)It's mostly an interim until someone gets SR5 Chummer going, but it'll help you store all your characters, and if you like to do stuff by hand you can do it here.
Today I'm hoping to release V2; which will automatically calculate limits as well as some of the other things. V3 will feature a "third-page" system that will allow for more in-depth calculations (stuff that I don't want to break up the current character sheet to have flow well); movement and initiative, for instance, are too complex to fit four fields in the blanks and have it be intuitive as to which does which. It will also allow for quick calculations of damage resistance dice with different armors; modified attributes thanks to armor accessories, and more. Any suggestions for the V3 third page features are welcome.Version 2 is out, download above. I also recreated the example character "
Silver" from the core rulebook.
Current roadmap:
Version 2.5: Add another form-fillable spells list (Spells Ext.), ditto for powers and other special data (essentially copying Page 2's stuff. Another vehicle spot on the third page as well. I'll probably make the "Spells Ext." list 12 spells long, for a total of 20 spells with full data storage, or a good chunk more if you just plop in the spells and reference the book whenever you cast. In addition, an Initiation/Submersion section is in order. I hope to fill no more than half of this third page, because the rest will be used in V3.
Version 3: Include modified AGI/REA for armor accessories, including modified limits and other pools, working initiative calculation (when I'm not trying to fit my fields into the blanks as written, I'll have a separation between the dice and modifier), working run speed calculation, plus modifiers for both run and walk; a modified attribute calculator in general that will feed third-page stuff, and essentially all the data you need to know if you're already roughly aware of your character.
Jul 16 2013, 02:02 AM
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Jul 16 2013, 03:08 AM
Which calculations are currently expected to be working? Right now changing my attributes doesn't appear to calculate my initiative and I'm not sure if that's a bug I should report or something that's just not done yet. The condition monitor does look to be calculating properly. Haven't checked anything else yet.
Thanks for the sheet. Not trying to be critical, just trying to help work out any bugs.
Jul 16 2013, 03:28 AM
Initiative will calculate on the third-page; I can't do dice and normal modifiers in the same field, and since the dice are increased by special abilities that have to come from powers or augmentations I'd have to make a manual input field for it, and I didn't want to fit 4 fields in the single blank and try to have people figure out what they mean.
Jul 16 2013, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (squirened @ Jul 15 2013, 11:28 PM)

Initiative will calculate on the third-page; I can't do dice and normal modifiers in the same field, and since the dice are increased by special abilities that have to come from powers or augmentations I'd have to make a manual input field for it, and I didn't want to fit 4 fields in the single blank and try to have people figure out what they mean.
Makes sense.
Jul 16 2013, 06:08 AM
That said, I'm rushing Initiative into 2.5, even though I wasn't originally going to do this. Some of what I'm doing is entirely new to me, so I'm starting to hit some "D'oh" moments as I go, such as my entire initiative section resetting itself to 0 for both modifiers and dice right now, which is kinda fun (I think I know what's causing it, but it's a sleep-dependent fix), and some malarkey with adding in the appropriate stuff to the third page. Right now the left column is done, which means that we're most of the way to V2.5; just me finishing up the initiative and adding an initiation section. V3 may have four pages.
Jul 16 2013, 06:18 PM
Initiative is finished, so I've put 2.2 up top. I put a Cold VR initiative up on the first page. Even though the Final Calculations page, which I've been working from, calculates AR init and physical init separately, they *are* just the same value, according to p.229.
Some short barriers to 2.5:
Initiation/Submersion section.
Making third page searchable. (This doesn't seem possible with Scribus and however this PDF wants to come out; I've had luck getting text searchable before, but it looks like we won't see any here.
Calculated movement (third-page back to first, just like initiative). Not going to fit on the third page.
Adding more Augmentations and Essence calculations.
Jul 17 2013, 05:31 AM
2.5 is out, grab it above!
Jul 17 2013, 09:43 AM
looks good,
Physical damage track needs a fix :
first box is a X not a tick (Yes my OCD causes me mental anguish)
7th box does not appear to be fillable
Jul 17 2013, 12:38 PM
Thank you!
Jul 17 2013, 03:29 PM
Noted; I've gone in and double-checked the condition monitor, finding the errors that were mentioned (apparently I have a problem with pushing my arrow keys when I have something selected that I don't notice, leading to some formatting things that I usually catch and, apparently, me moving a condition box all the way under another one) and I'll be going in to fix the attributes, which currently don't use their modified value to calculate things. Sorry about the first box thing; I tested to see if my PDF reader shows the difference (it doesn't), and must have forgotten. I'm replacing the 2.5 link above with a 2.5a link when it's ready, which will be in about 5 minutes.
EDIT: Notice that sometimes calculations take a second change to work; tweaking the manual mods works well for this.
Jul 17 2013, 05:26 PM
Perhaps I am doing it wrong, but it appears as if nothing changes when I add magic/augment bonuses to attributes on page 3. Also, when i add values to the attributes themselves, the initiative calculations all reset (to 0 + 0 d6 for example).
Jul 17 2013, 05:28 PM
nevermind. i downloaded it instead of just opening it on my browser. works fine.
Jul 17 2013, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I think that there's issues with some PDF readers trying to save on calculations and stuff by cutting down the active areas, and since the calculations stretch across three pages there's a lot of stuff that can get broken that way.
Aug 2 2013, 02:30 AM
Good news, bad news.
The good news is that the source for versions 2.5a, 2, and 1 are out
The bad news is that I'm basically in the middle of a family crisis and won't be able to return to giving the sheet the work it needs, so I'm not going to be involved in a V3.
However, there is a lengthy tutorial on how to set up Scribus, Inkscape, and Ghostscript so that you can make your own extensions, alterations, and crazy calculations as needed/desired, and I'll still be able to answer questions if people have them.
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