QUOTE (Tias @ Aug 10 2013, 12:29 PM)

Special thanks for fatum for encouraging me by his own works.
Aww how sweet.
That said, editing is disabled.
It's "Balkans" with a capital B.
"The Russians rallied to crush it", with a capital R.
"A German SINner", with double n.
"only if you really messed up being a citizen: killing cops, running against shareholders" - small K, shareholders is one word.
"irregular rad-group armies" - you have to decide if radgroups is spelled as one word, as in the part on recruitment requirements, or two.
"Most are stationed near the Ruhr megaplex" - megaplex is one word.
"Getting a posting here is relatively simple: sign the dotted line" - small s in sign.
"Sounds like Tuesday to me" - with a capital T.
"drek-huge fortified walls" - small d.
"corp mages on standby" - standby is one word.
"how to operate ground vehicles or hovercraft" - without s.
"high levels of equipment and expertise" - I doubt whether "high level of equipment" is a valid English phrase.
The MET is an offensive force of the AGS? I feel that should be a bit expanded upon - after all, normally all countries claim they're in it for defense, and the war ministries are Ministries of Defense, etc.
"Cross-membership and switching service between the Heer (Army) and MET2000 is not uncommon"? How does that work?
"You can enter the DD if you made boot as well as at least one other specialization" - this sentence I could understand on the third reading; maybe change for something like "if you did well in the bootcamp, as well as acquired at least one other specialization"? Regardless, I feel you should add a bit on advanced training and how those other specializations are acquired before listing that as a requirement.
"see Serbocroatia and die" - uhhh, the map of Europe in SoE makes no mention of Serbocroatia, only Serbia, Republika Srpska, Croatia, Sarajevo Enclave and other balcanized statelets.
I feel that the SOX bit should be directly after the part on Germany, since, you know, SOX is mostly in AGS.
"Some friends of mine even picked up generous bonuses testing rad-resistant bioware implants for EVO" - would SK really allow it? They're bitter rivals with Evo, and influential in MET.
Game information - I feel that directly addressing the GMs should be done in a sidebar; also, it'd be cool if you gave some info to make MET2k campaigns viable - like, how often they deploy small runner troupe-sized forces and why, how much they pay, whether they employ outside talent for one-night stands, etc.