Heyo! I thought I'd use my first post here to talk about a project I'm working on. I'm creating an easily accessible Excel character generator for 5e, and wanted to get your guys' advice, comments (and maybe praise? Yes? Ok, too early). I started this recently as I am going to run a game for people who are new to tabletop gaming altogether, so I'm doing my best to make the rules of this game understandable and at least guide them through the character creation process. It's a great learning experience for me as I'm learning new things about character creation as well as the huge amount of number crunching that goes into creating a generator.
I'll be releasing updates and notes here as regularly as I can. Please give me any feedback. It would mean a lot to me to hear from you guys.
v0.1 LATEST UPDATE It's really basic here. I'm just setting up the Priority rules so that I can mess around with metatypes and attributes to make sure my math and Excel programming is good. Now to crunch all those lovely lists.
CreditsDamienKnight's SR4e generator
A 5e generator that I forgot where I pulled it from. I'd like to give credit if I can.