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Full Version: SR5 House Rule Overhaul
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I'm attempting to rewrite a lot of the rules. This is an exercise in fun. My goals are as follows:

0) Reintroduce some concepts from SR3, in terms of wounds and wound levels.
1) Get rid of Limits.
2) Bring everything down to (primarily) ratings of 1-6.
3) Re-balance direct and indirect combat spells to be roughly equivalent in effect versus drain.
4) Fix the Magic Force/limit issues; make reagents useful.
5) Make Cybercombat somewhat more interesting.
6) Fix Wireless Bonuses by providing good reasons to actually put gear online, without wrecking basic functionality while offline.
7) Provide some options for PAN/Equipment hacking that don't cause a shut-out in either direction.

Some things I haven't done:
1) Address Astral Combat, Adept Powers, and non-combat spells/rituals/enchanting -- I expect Astral Combat to (generally) follow the Melee rules. Adept Powers (except for the Limit mods) should be about the same, though there should probably be an adept power to provide Armor Penetration for Unarmed. Rituals should probably follow suit behind the summoning rules. Enchanting needs some tweaking
2) Address Technomancers -- Technomancers actually get a lot of utility out of the basic Matrix changes. They can start with at least "starting deck" values and come into play with a much higher Device Rating (=Resonance) and thus extra dice to resist damage. CFs need to be revisited.
3) Address riggers, drones, or vehicles. For the most part, halving the Armor would work.
4) Address called shots -- this is actually a big part of the combat rules I've written here, I just haven't gotten to it.

This is big. I'll encapsulate in spoiler tags.

Combat and Damage
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PAN Hacking
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I realize I forgot to add in the Burst/Full-Auto mechanic. Essentially this:

Mode: Single Shot
Can fire one shot as Simple Action: +2 recoil

Mode: Semi-Auto
Can fire up to two distinct shots as Simple Actions (each): +1 recoil
Can fire a three-round Semi-Auto burst at a single target as a Complex Action: +1 Power, -2 Defense, +3 recoil

Mode: Burst Fire
Can fire up to two distinct three-round Bursts as Simple Actions (each): +1 Power, -2 Defense, +3 recoil (each)
Can fire a six-round Double Burst at a single target as a complex action: +2 Power, -4 Defense, +6 recoil

Mode: Full-Auto
Can fire up to two two-round Short Bursts as Simple Actions (each): -2 Defense, +1 recoil (each)
Can fire up to two five-round Bursts as Simple Actions (each): +1 Power, -3 Defense, +5 recoil (each)
(the above two can be combined -- ie, you can fire a Short Burst and a Burst)
Can fire a ten-round Double Burst at a single target as a complex action: +2 Power, -6 Defense, +10 recoil

You get a free Strength/2 (round down) Recoil Compensation

Recoil is cumulative through an entire combat turn. It can be reset by spending a Simple Action on "Resetting" or by spending a whole initiative pass without shooting.
Bits and Baubles:

Complex Forms
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Non-Combat Spells
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QUOTE (magic redone above)
A number of Reagents may be expended along with any Spellcasting test, equal to the Force of the spell. They must be declared along with the spell Force and target. These can be used as +1 dice pool bonuses on the Spellcasting or Drain Resistance test, in any combination (e.g., a caster may spend 5 Reagents on a Force 5 spell. This can add +5 to the Spellcasting test, or +5 to the Drain resistance test, or +3 to one and +2 to the other, and so on).

I kind of like this as it does add to the casting, whether more dice for effect or more dice to resist drain, without overly messing with things and limits set by the original force of the spell are still observed, barring Edge of course.

Now are you sticking to hits exceed Magic to determining if Drain is Phyiscal or Stun or going back to classic if Force exceeds Magic then it's flat out Physical?

I still think the latter is better as you are basically overstressing the engine anytime you exceeds your specs (Magic), regardless of whether you adequately controlled the mana surging through you(hits) or not, you should still be facing heavier damage than when you stay within tolerances.
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Feb 18 2014, 02:45 AM) *
I kind of like this as it does add to the casting, whether more dice for effect or more dice to resist drain, without overly messing with things and limits set by the original force of the spell are still observed, barring Edge of course.

Now are you sticking to hits exceed Magic to determining if Drain is Phyiscal or Stun or going back to classic if Force exceeds Magic then it's flat out Physical?

I still think the latter is better as you are basically overstressing the engine anytime you exceeds your specs (Magic), regardless of whether you adequately controlled the mana surging through you(hits) or not, you should still be facing heavier damage than when you stay within tolerances.

I'm sure I missed tons of details. Like the fact that the wording I used implies Reagents must equal Force, and I just wanted Force as a limit to reagent expenditure.

I was intending that if Force > Magic the Drain is automatically Physical.
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