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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Are all ICs triggered only by the security tally?

Can I put a white scramble IC protecting a file that doesn't need a security tally level to be there?

Do I have to describe immediately the scramble IC when the decker tries to read/write the file?

Thanks for the info.
IC on the Tally is only triggered by the Tally

You can totally put IC on a file and it's up to you how visible it is (that's why Deckers should always look for IC on files of pay data)

Typically yes, but some more insidious IC may go unnoticed if the decker isn't looking for it.
Typically yes, but some more insidious IC may go unnoticed if the decker isn't looking for it.

That would be reactive IC OOP, Probe and scout are good ways of forcing up the tally behind the scenes and tar baby/tar pit for surprising the decker tries to use an active utility they wanted only to have it crash on them. wink.gif
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