Chase combat is one of those things I've seen glossed over in many games. I think it is important though because without it the Rigger is not participating in all the things his archetype is for.
Reading over the rules though they seem a little loose so I'm looking for how people interpret them. So here's a few questions:
1) Do any of the chase actions count as the control vehicle action? For example: If I perform a catch up action does that count as a 'Control Vehicle action'?
2) If not then doesn't this make non-rigger drivers kinda useless? For instance: If I'm being chased by some go-gangers who don't have reaction enhancement then won't the only thing they can do every round is control their vehicle, unless they roll 11+?
3) Is the reaction to a 'Stunt Action' by pursuers a free action? I assume it is.
4) When performing catch-up actions it refers to a 'maneuver threshold'. Is this just pulled out of the air by the GM based on the table on p199? Is it modified by the opposing vehicle at all? I know acceleration limits how many increments you can catch up or pull away and maybe I have to see it in action.
5) Escaping chase combat seems to be independent of how good of a driver the escapee is, as the chaser can make a check to not be lost. Is this test supposed to be opposed? That would make more sense.