Apr 3 2014, 09:09 PM
How may hands does it take to use an Ares Super Squirt III gun?
From past artwork,
for model 2, it looks like it's one handed, and I seem to recall the artwork for it in 4A was similarly about SMG sized.
Actually now that I've seen it while looking for details on the Super Squirt, I'm kind of hoping for an Ares Cascade to make a return in Run & Gun.
Apr 3 2014, 09:37 PM
And thus DMSO squirt gun wars begins anew...
Apr 3 2014, 09:41 PM
Squirt guns? Squirt guns?!? We don' wan' no steenkin'
squirt guns!
Apr 3 2014, 09:42 PM
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Apr 4 2014, 05:37 AM)
And thus DMSO squirt gun wars begins anew...
It's actually not that big an issue if your GM knows what he's doing, because between drones, chem suits and chemical seals there are plenty of ways to have opposition who are flat out immune to it. Also, at best it takes effect at the end of the combat turn which leaves plenty of time to counterattack.
Squirtguns are good, but they're not 'I win'
Apr 3 2014, 10:13 PM
To the best of my knowledge, the Super Squirt has always been somewhere between SMG and Heavy Pistol sized, and consequently only requires one hand.
Apr 3 2014, 10:18 PM
In 4th edition, my favorite chemical loads weren't drugs or toxins.
Wireless negating paint an quick setting barrier foam were often very usefull.
I'm looking forward to splash grenades and fun chemicals in Run & Gun.
Apr 4 2014, 04:57 AM
QUOTE (BlackJaw @ Apr 3 2014, 04:18 PM)
In 4th edition, my favorite chemical loads weren't drugs or toxins.
Wireless negating paint an quick setting barrier foam were often very usefull.
I'm looking forward to splash grenades and fun chemicals in Run & Gun.
So with the paint, you were shooting their comlink or something?
Apr 4 2014, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (psychophipps @ Apr 4 2014, 05:57 AM)
So with the paint, you were shooting their comlink or something?
shoot a drone with it.
instantly disabled.
Apr 4 2014, 12:42 PM
I'm not sure I'd ever allow a single shot from a squirt gun to disable an entire drone with wireless negation paint. Several rounds or a few passes of a hose being turned on it, sure. Also, that's not going to stop the drone from carrying out it's most recent commands. If your GM is letting you flat out disable a drone with a shot of squirted wireless negation paint, then they're crazy lenient.
Apr 4 2014, 12:54 PM
if there is no hard coded contingency plan for no signal available in there, then it simply stops dead in it's tracks if it's only under wifi control from the rigger.
Apr 4 2014, 01:42 PM
Regardless, unless it's a fly-spy, one shot of a squirt gun isn't gonna stop a drone's wireless. At best, all you do is put on a slight noise penalty.
Apr 4 2014, 02:03 PM
Maybe. That said, dumpshocking the rigger is always a worthy goal.
My main problem is that Squirtguns as described in 5th edition don't seem to work that way. I could be reading things completely wrong though.
Apr 4 2014, 02:51 PM
The squirt gun with wifi paint was (this was 4th edition) mainly use to shoot small unattended electronics. It was a quiet way to knock out a wireless security camera at a distance. Of course a camera going offline is suspicious, but it's not as bad as the sound of gun fire and the camera being destroyed. The paint blocked the lens (so the footage of the runners moving in front of it couldn't' be recovered later) and the wireless negation took it offline instead of damaging in, which could set off a larger alarm.
The splash grenades were used to get a decent coat on anything larger, and could be useful for knocking a security guard off his communication link, or dumping a rigger... at least in our game.
Honestly I typically kept a tank of neurostun in the spray gun, and splash grenades full of quick setting barrier foam (rating 6 Freeze Foam, arsenal page 82) and wireless blocking paint (among others).
The barrier foam was the most fun. I once caught a couple of guards in a narrow hallway with a freeze foam splash grenade. It trapped them rather well, and blocked the doorway so the guards behind them had to go around to get at us.
Apr 4 2014, 03:39 PM
The thing to keep in mind is that the "squirt gun" is basically a paintball gun that shoots gel packs. It also shoots them up to 50 meters so it's not shooting a softball-sized glob of paint at a time.
But hey, it's your game and you were obviously having a good time with the anti-signal paint idea there. *thumbs up*
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Apr 4 2014, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (BlackJaw @ Apr 4 2014, 08:51 AM)
The squirt gun with wifi paint was (this was 4th edition) mainly use to shoot small unattended electronics. It was a quiet way to knock out a wireless security camera at a distance. Of course a camera going offline is suspicious, but it's not as bad as the sound of gun fire and the camera being destroyed. The paint blocked the lens (so the footage of the runners moving in front of it couldn't' be recovered later) and the wireless negation took it offline instead of damaging in, which could set off a larger alarm.
The splash grenades were used to get a decent coat on anything larger, and could be useful for knocking a security guard off his communication link, or dumping a rigger... at least in our game.
Honestly I typically kept a tank of neurostun in the spray gun, and splash grenades full of quick setting barrier foam (rating 6 Freeze Foam, arsenal page 82) and wireless blocking paint (among others).
The barrier foam was the most fun. I once caught a couple of guards in a narrow hallway with a freeze foam splash grenade. It trapped them rather well, and blocked the doorway so the guards behind them had to go around to get at us.
I like Rating 10 Armor Debonder, personally.
Apr 4 2014, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Apr 4 2014, 10:52 AM)
I like Rating 10 Armor Debonder, personally.
Accompanied by the words, "I cast
Apr 4 2014, 09:02 PM
Somatic Component: drop your trousers and salute?
Apr 5 2014, 06:15 PM
me thinks Spoony did a video about this. But yeah I agree with FuelDrop on this. If your GM knows whats he is doing then using it won't be to much of a problem.
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