Nov 2 2015, 10:48 PM if not all of the official Seattle locations and districts have been added. The goal is to expand the map beyond Seattle to include all existing Shadowrun locations and territories through 4th Edition.
I've forked the project and created a public-access version that anyone on the web can contribute to.
The public-access version: for editing the map: always, I can be contacted through e-mail:
Nov 3 2015, 07:07 PM
Very cool...will spread the word as am sure there are other gamers who might be able to contribute data/skills toward this....
Nov 4 2015, 07:29 PM
Awesome work! it was great to work with you and see what this has already become. I can only imagine how amazing it could end up with additional contributors.
I've already forked a copy and am working with it in my new campaign. The players love it.
Nov 4 2015, 07:52 PM
Thanks again for kickstarting it. Although I'll be tempted to start expanding it myself, if I don't get much in the way of interest from other parties, I might just open up another version to the public at large and see what happens...
Mar 9 2016, 03:33 AM
Updated the original map with custom icons and forked the project into a public-access version which anyone on the web can edit. (See the top post for details.)
Apr 16 2016, 03:30 PM
welp, the seattle digital box set is out and while nice, its 'map' is nothing compared to yours CGE and I still recommend yours to everyone
