Looking through the 4E rulebooks for commcode examples and MSP names, but not finding much of anything. Does anyone know if there is an "official" take on this?
An official commcode is made up of Grid/Local Grid/Local Numer/Identifier Number. For instance the Downtown Seattle YMCA's Commcode is UCAS/SEA/206/52-4985, according to the Seattle Sourcebook and the 1E Core. 206 is private/Downtown (2206 is government or megacorp). 52-4985 is the individual identifier. SEA is the Seattle local grid, and UCAS is the UCAS public grid.
An exterritorial megacorp commcode would probably be Corp Grid/Local Corp Grid/Local Signifier/Identifier. A mobile commcode would likely be Megacorp Affiliate Grid/Provider Grid/Identifier.
Grid Adresses likely double as commcodes. They did in 1E thru 3E, at least, back when world building about the Matrix wasn't "we just make shit up and don't even try to tie it together logically".