Working on some stuff for my 4e hacker character. My primary focus has been on maxing out Stealth and Exploit/Spoofing, relying on avoiding fights and cleaning up all trace of my presence rather than getting into cyber fights, but it's pretty inevitable that I'm going to end up in a matrix fight eventually.
My question for more veteran hackers is: what programs should I focus on and avoid, and what upgrades should I prioritize?
At present my first program loaded is Attack, since that works on IC, Spiders, and Technomancers, with my Black Hammer and Blackout being for if I know that I'll be facing living opponents. Would I be better off opening with one of the others, or maybe Nuke (which seems good for knocking out weak hostiles quickly)? Disarm is also not a terrible option I suppose.
What upgrades should I prioritize for combat programs? Area, Targeting, Armor Piercing, and Rust all seem like good options but obviously the ever scaling availability means that putting them all on a single program is hard. What's my best return on investment early on?