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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Dumpshock was down for about four days. Does anyone know why?

I've been here about 11 years and Dumpshock has been highly stable over that time. I'm relieved that it is back, but does anyone have any clues about the recent hiccup?
Hoi chummers, good to see the site is back up!
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ May 4 2022, 02:19 PM) *
Dumpshock was down for about four days. Does anyone know why?

I've been here about 11 years and Dumpshock has been highly stable over that time. I'm relieved that it is back, but does anyone have any clues about the recent hiccup?
Note quite sure. The site and hosting provider have been very reliable.
Kren Cooper
Very glad it is back up though!
It was shocking.

I woke up, lying on the floor with blood trickling from my nose.

Next time I'll use a tortoise.
At least you woke up. Why don't you just cold-sim until you're back on your feet.
QUOTE (Koekepan @ May 5 2022, 03:49 PM) *
It was shocking.

I woke up, lying on the floor with blood trickling from my nose.

I know what you mean, Mondays get harder with each passing year biggrin.gif
Therapy for shocked deckers: coffee, eggs and bacon. It works!

Now every mega keeps its own coffee plantation and farm for the exclusive benefits of its matrix teams.
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