Thank you all for engaging. Again, I'm trying to figure out the best way of doing this for me, so that means interrogating the themes (etc.) to figure out the best way--
especially when it comes to representing Deckers vs. Otaku.
I hope the fact that I'm asking these questions illustrates that I'm acting in good faith since, as above, previously when using
Shadowrun I've just removed them from the game. I
want them to be a part of the game, but trying to to figure out how to do so without it becoming a nightmare is another issue.
(FWIW, hence my mention of astral projection and full magic users. I'm totally fine with them not taking astral projection and just removing that whole can of worms.)
* * *
With the above said, I'm not wedded to the retrotech of "cyberpunk" in its totality as envisioned back in the day. I
do want there to be a difference between Deckers and Otaku/Technomancers.
QUOTE (Lionesque @ Jun 16 2023, 05:28 AM)

This is why the decker is THE iconic character of the cyberpunk genre.
Literally, I agree. But they were so easily sidelined in
Shadowrun, which is probably why SR4 exists. At the same time, I worry that the whole notion of the PAN and hacking people is more annoying than fun because it focuses on the gear rather than the person? Maybe I'm must channeling too much
Ghosts in the Shadow with an (un)healthy dose of
QUOTE (bannockburn @ Jun 16 2023, 05:59 AM)

Reminder that Cyberpunk is not primarily about cyberWARE but rather about cyberSPACE, at least in the original sense

Molly is not the protagonist, it's Case.
Demoting the decker/hacker to NPC status in such an environment basically makes the player spectators and contributors to the cool stuff, but not the protagonists.
That said, many people do not play that way, so I guess it depends partly on the setting and partly on the table environment.
One of the major themes to me, especially as a child of that era, was the whole Gen-X "sticking it to the Man"/punk approach. The aesthetics of how one did that was not central, though.
With that said, you've reminded me that it has been
years since I've read the novels and so perhaps I should treat myself with a reminder of the materials. And while I'm not going to inherently bind myself to them, perhaps it will give me some insight into how to move outside of the problem that I'm having.
I will say, however, that while my memory says that you're right about Gibson's novel(s), I'm not sure that you're right about how it plays out at numerous tables around the world? For example, are the main issues "cyberspace" or the degrading climate and how one handles that? (I might be mixing in too much
Cybergeneration, but please remember that I'm system agnostic in all of this.)