Nov 24 2023, 05:22 PM
If you don't have your (legal) copies yet, now's your chance:
Nov 26 2023, 05:44 AM
Thanks! I think I'll grab this.
Kren Cooper
Dec 3 2023, 02:53 PM
Hi all,
Just in case anyone was curious - I picked this up earlier in the week, as there were a few books in the bundle I didn't have, and some of my copies were definitely "ropey"
I got the full bundle, checkout and download were smooth and hassle free, and I've got them all saved locally now and pushed up to my Dropbox. Having gone through most of the PDFs now for a quick check, the quality is very good - full colour on the covers, and very decent scans of the pages inside, even and level with no page artefacts visible. Tables inside are well scanned with good contrast, everything is clearly legible and easy to read. The PDFs are also well optimised - my old version of Rigger 3 was about 70MB and the new one is about 12MB and better quality - so all together a very good production quality.
Dec 23 2023, 09:16 AM
I had to get it, and glad I did.
MUCH better scan than I thought they'd do.
Also a joy reading some of the Adventures, Including Renraku Shutdown again.
"Uriel (Intruder): Fossils and tortoises. Is this the best you can do?
Captain Chaos: I can't get through to Singapore. Trying the Hague....
FastJack: Here's the best I can do , boy.
Uriel (Intruder): Aaaa····-!
Uriel (Intruder) has been disconnected."
Good Old Black Hammer, before it was mass-released and watered-down:)
Damn, good scans on these.
God, the Rigger 3 is clearer than my physical copy.
Have a good one,
Dec 6 2024, 03:24 AM
Ah, my edition! Thank you!
Kren Cooper
Dec 10 2024, 09:15 PM