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Full Version: HVAC ducting - new unit of measurement
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Kren Cooper
Ran #3 of my xmas shadowrun's yesterday, which my wife Ali (Tads in the smuggler game) got to play in - which is nice, as they're normally after her bedtime, so she misses out.

The players had a simple data-steal job - or so they thought. Got into the building, and found out it was a research lab doing some very dubious work on critters, implanting all kinds of combat cyber-ware.

And they had to sneak through some air vents to get to the location to steal the data. One of them asked how big it was. After various messing around and descriptions, I declared that the HVAC conduit was exactly one McClane wide. Everyone instantly understood the dimensions involved, and the team scooted through them to get to the location they needed and steal the data.

Well, actually, they scooted through them and then found the "real mission" inside, but that's another story.

But we also realised that this was an extremely valid measuring system - because as we all know, the Americans will use *anything* to avoid using the metric system...

So there you go. The new unit of measurement. The McClane. Or the "John McClane" to give it it's full name. Trolls are normally in the region of 3-4 McClanes wide, orks are 1-2, while some Dwarves can reach 1.1 or even 1.2 thanks to their wide shoulders, while the average elf is only 0.7 McClanes wide.

Oh - and when the wizard casts "Ice Sheet" under the roaming patrol guard and his Alsatian, but you describe how the dikoted cyber-claws just cut right through it, and the ice doesn't seem to slow the dog down at all... apparently that causes a bum-pucker-factor of at least 2.3 in the party. Who knew!

And for anyone celebrating NYE tonight - have a great time. I'll be over hear plotting, planning and scheming, to make sure my players get to live in "interesting times" some more. smile.gif
I rate this new unit 11/16 of a foot of candy, because who needs meaningful units anyway? Also: Yippie-ki-yay! Sounds like you had fun smile.gif
So, how evil in Millihitlers was the work on the critters?
Kren Cooper
I don't think they were that bad - no more than 200 Millihitlers perhaps. Just Alsatians with wired reflexes and a couple of points of reaction enhancers, and dikoted claws and teeth. Nothing too grim... smile.gif
Reminds me of the question, "How much beauty does it take to launch a single ship?"

a millihelen

1 McClane = .5 troll
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