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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Well, as some of you may know, I live in Orlando FL, and I bore the full brunt of the storm as it came through on Friday night...I can't even imagine how bad it was for the people down south in Fort Meyers...but i ended up burning about 15 Karma - my house was totally untouched, and the only tree that fell was one that my wife has been bitching about me cutting down!! all my neighbors have damage - about half have at least one tree through their roofs. one neighbor also has one of his cars smashed in half by a tree, and his backyard is now in my backyard or floating in our canal. I'm still without power, and the power where i work just came on late Sunday, so i'm "lucky" enough to have to go to work today and get back on the internet since, it was like going "cold turkey" - i'm addicted to the online world...

but now i'm leaving again for Gencon - for those that are going, i'll see you at the con - say hello at one of the Missions events...for those not going, please try to behave yourselves!!

I'll post a report after the con as soon as i can....
Glad to here your alright Bitrunner be safe. Enjoy the con wish I could go.
Hey bitrunner glad to here that you where untouched. Well at least the 15 Karma was well spent. At least your wife can stop nagging about that tree.

Enjoy Gencon
I attended GenCon for the first time this year and got to play 4 of the 5 Shadowrun Missions. I thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone of them - they were all interesting and well written missions. Also, the GMs are excellent. Special kudos to Larry for getting a young teenager involved in the game and allowing him to play a pivotal role in a dramatic finish. I'm sure he'll be talking about the mini-grenade launcher for days to come. =)

Looking forward to more SRM.
All the Missions I played in at Gencon were well written and well run. Kudos to Bitrunner and his GMs for a professional gaming attitude. I would like to warn other folks out there who are going to play them; be very careful about the people at your table.

Differnet people and groups play with different attitudes. I had the misfortune of playing with people who were playing canned characters from the BBB and didn't seem to care whether they lived or died. They made good personalities for them, and played those personalities well. However, they decided early on to ignore the job and futz around. By the end, everyone had taken deadly damage. Several of them got contacts that they would transfer to characters they were making at home for future missions (because they were playing canned characters and this was an option for those playing), while my character lost an int and magic point. So my warning to those who are sitting down to a table with folks playing canned characters; either use a less-loved, expendable character or play your character smart, call the johnson up and tell them you are quitting the job.
Heya Rich,

Just dropped in to say Thanks for an awesome week at GenCon. You and your team of GM's did an excellent job running missions during the week! I think i can honestly say not a single person was turned away with generics for Missions, outstanding job!

Special thanks go out to my Missions gm's Rich, Ed, and some chummer who ran the midnight game of "A Dark and Stormy Night"! You kept everyone at the table involved in the game and let some creative roleplaying take the place of some dice rolls to keep things interesting. You did an excellent job creating suspense, picturing the environment, and overall feel of the scenario's. And most of all you were quick on your feet when the group came up with some unexpected twists and rolling with the punches so-to-speak (ie sniper on the roof, I'm your waitor -temp service hired us, rigging booby-traps for unwanted visitors, and lets not forget "I lied, I brought some of my own explosives" =) ).

Can't wait to do it again!
Chummers who ran the midnight slots were Matt (the mod's author) and I (Nathan). Matt's the taller, goofier looking one =) We both talked about the slot on the way back to the hotel-- excellent groups. We plan on running two midnight slots next year instead of one.

Next time: I'll bring soy cafe!!

+-(:-7 SaintHax
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